Nostradamus’ prophecies for 2021: earthquakes, famines, robotic soldiers …


Interpreters of the Nostradamus prophecy claim that the famous astrologer predicted that in 2021 humanity will have to deal with zombies. A Russian scientist will create a biological weapon capable of turning people into zombies. And after a period of coexistence that is not exactly peaceful, it will lead to the disappearance of the human race. Hunger and famine – a problem as old as the world, but its proportions will be unprecedented and will kill many inhabitants of the earth.

According to the exegetes of Nostradamus, the camel symbol that appears in the quatrains is an unmistakable sign: in 2021, Muslims will become the masters of the world. For some, the balance between the demographic decline of the Old Continent and an increasingly massive immigration from Muslim countries will be enough for this to happen. In this sense, Nostradamus himself would speak of a “great replacement” in the centuries. For others, in addition to dominating numerically, the Muslims will conquer Europe through war.

“Solar storms and endless wars”

“We will see the waters rise and the earth collapse over them,” Nostradamus writes. This would be the effect of solar storms due to climate change: rising oceans and cataclysms around the world. And after the tsunami and earthquakes, a series of wars will follow to determine by force who will get the last remaining natural resources. As long as it stays.

Earthquake in California

With an eloquent image – “Fire and a long trail of sparks will light the sky”, Nostradamus illustrates the collision of a comet with planet Earth that will cause a series of earthquakes. Nostradamus predicts an earthquake in California. In one of the Nostradamus quatrains – “Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn in decline” – he even refers to a specific date: November 25, 2021. Exactly the day that an earthquake of devastating proportions should destroy California.

Robotic Soldiers in the US Army

According to Nostradamus, in 2021 the US military will have robotic soldiers, super-intelligent robots, that should replace humans. Pope Francis will invite all the world’s inhabitants to join the church. According to Nostradamus, the Holy Father will ask believers to strengthen their Christian faith.

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