Am sack of the Sapiens the Homo springs


The vaccination campaign started today in Sibiu. The first doctor there immunized against the new coronavirus was the doctor who treated the first Covid-19 patients in the county in March. Dr. Călin Cimpăian is the head of the medical department of the Sibiu County Hospital.

He explained how an effective Covid vaccine was obtained so quickly.

“Things have been constantly changing and this great achievement has been achieved in human history,” he said.

In relation to the anti-vaccine theories that exactly criticize aspects of rapid recovery, he drew a parallel with the way people viewed the transition from carriage to early automobiles.

“The arguments can be dismantled with a simple story. Remember that when the first carts appeared, the first horseless carts said that exceeding the speed of 30 km per hour would kill the driver and passengers. Before cars, a man had to go with a “Red Flag to signal the arrival of the car to keep the world safe. Now, cars are commonplace and we are preparing to have autonomous cars powered by artificial intelligence. That it is the difference between classic vaccines Remember, the first vaccines were made by taking disease lesions from biological material and intentionally infecting people to have a mild form and then developing immunity against the disease that kills them.

Let’s not forget that it has been a long time, we have gone from Sapiens to Homo Deus to quote Yuval Noah Harari and we hope these things continue, ”said Călin Cimpăian.

Publisher: Georgiana Marina
