Donald Trump shortened his vacation in Florida and returned urgently to Washington DC. The reasons for the decision


The president of the United States, Donald Trump, returned to Washington this Thursday shortening his vacation in Florida, in a context of dissensions with the leaders of Congress and tensions with Iran, reports Reuters.

Donald Trump was supposed to celebrate New Year’s Eve at his residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, but returned to Washington on Thursday night.

Donald Trump declined to speak to reporters and the White House did not explain why the president changed his program.

Donald Trump’s return to Washington coincides with his disputes with members of the United States Congress. Donald Trump rejected the Defense Department budget proposal and objected to the amount of social benefits. Relations between the United States and Iran are also tense.

The House of Representatives, in which the majority is in the hands of the (opposition) Democratic Party, has accepted a request from Donald Trump, a Republican politician, to increase social benefits for disadvantaged people from $ 600 to $ 2,000. But Senator Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Republican majority group in the Senate, refused to schedule a plenary session on the amendment, apparently rejecting Donald Trump’s request.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Thursday accused the Donald Trump administration of wanting to find excuses to start a military conflict with Iran.

“Instead of fighting the pandemic in the United States, Donald Trump and his entourage are squandering billions on B-52 flights and sending military forces to our region. Iraqi intelligence reports reveal a plot to find a pretext for war. Iran does not want war, but it will openly and directly defend its citizens, security and vital interests, “Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Twitter.

Two US B-52 bombers flew to the Middle East on Wednesday, and US officials warned that it was a message to Iran a year after the January 3, 2020 assassination in Iran of Baghdad of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, commander in Inside the Guard of the Iranian Revolution.

Relations between the United States and Iran are strained due to Iran’s nuclear program and ballistic activities. Washington is unhappy with Iran’s influence over some Middle Eastern countries.

The Israeli military was ordered in November to prepare for a US attack on Iran at the end of US President Donald Trump’s term, Israeli officials said on news site The Israeli military has prepared for possible retaliation from Iran directly or through intermediaries in Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.

According to sources cited by The New York Times, the incumbent president of the United States, Donald Trump, evoked in November the idea of ​​an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, in the context of some irregularities denounced by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Donald Trump’s advisers prevented him from launching military action, arguing that such an attack could generate a major conflict in the last weeks of the current US president’s term.

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