Incredible situation in the Republic of Moldova. Television will broadcast the message of “President” Igor Dodon


The video was published on the former head of state’s social networks. According to the television program that is part of the media concern attributed to the socialists, NTV Moldova, Accent TV and TNT Moldova, the message will be broadcast at night between the years at 11:55 p.m. This is, although usually in the Republic of Moldova and not only, at this time, all televisions transmit the message of the incumbent president.

The message lasts 2 minutes and 25 seconds, and the socialist leader speaks in Romanian and Russian, reports

Full message from Igor Dodon:

“In the last moments of the year, we all do the totals. Both in personal life and in social life.

I think we have passed this year 2020, if we judge how difficult it has turned out to be for all families, for our country, but also for all humanity.

Pandemic, drought, severe bans, economic decline, political or geopolitical challenges – all these negative factors will hit the Republic of Moldova and other states in the region hard in 2020.

However, we resisted and generally became stronger, both as a society and individually, despite difficulties and pains. I am proud of our citizens, I am especially proud of the medical staff, because in 2020 the doctors showed heroism, showed will and perseverance in the constant fight against the pandemic and saved thousands of lives. We bow to them.

At the same time, I express my deepest condolences to all those who lost their families and relatives, killed by the coronavirus. I share the sadness of those who will not receive New Year’s Eve with the whole family.

Dear fellow citizens! I want to believe that this year has given us important life lessons. First, the pandemic allowed us to appreciate those close to us more, from whom restrictions separated us for months. Furthermore, the difficulties have made us more understanding, more restrained.

We began to value more our own health, the family home, as well as the importance of high-performance medicine. After such a difficult year, today we all hope that 2021 will be a better, less dangerous and more serene year. So I wish you good health and good results next year.

I also wish wisdom to the Moldovan political class and as much patriotism as possible in the hearts of all politicians and citizens.

Dear friends!

New Year’s Eve is often called a family party. The warmth of the soul, the care, the attention help us to overcome all difficulties. I wish each family love, joy and well-being.

May all wishes be fulfilled in the New Year, may we all be healthy, may our parents live long, and may our children be happy.

I wish you peace, stability, confidence in tomorrow.

Happy birthday dear ones! Holiday as warm and bright as possible!
