Liviu Dragnea’s girlfriend, heard as a witness in the Tel Drum case: “It’s revenge for the system” – Essential


Irina Tănase, Liviu Dragnea’s girlfriend, was called to ADN on Tuesday, alleging on Antena 3 that she was called to be heard as a witness in the Tel Drum case. Irina Tănase also said that her brother, as well as his ex-wife and the children of the former PSD leader were summoned for hearings in this case.

“I was summoned as a witness in the Tel Drum case. I don’t know what she wanted to know about me, I didn’t give any statements (…) I think she wanted us to meet (…) There is an article in the Code of Criminal Procedure that It allows not to give statements. (…) There are facts from when I was 8-9 years old, “said Irina Tănase, on Tuesday, when leaving ADN, according to Antena 3.

He also stated that he could not consider it a “coincidence” that on December 22 he came out to speak about Liviu Dragnea’s health, and a day later his family (brother) and the former head of the PSD (ex-wife and children) were summoned in this file.

“I cannot consider it a coincidence that on December 22 I said that Liviu’s life was in danger and on the 23rd the summons were written to the whole family. I can consider it a punishment or a revenge of the system against us because we dared to are talking about the situation he’s in. It’s my opinion, “said Irina Tănase.

Liviu Dragnea has been in prison since May 27, 2019, when he was definitively sentenced by the Supreme Court to 3 years and 6 months in prison with execution, for incitement to abuse of office, in the case of fictitious employment at DGASPC Teleorman.

In June 2010, DNA announced the initiation of a criminal process against former PSD leader Liviu Dragnea, in the Tel Drum case, for constituting an organized criminal group, two crimes of abuse of power with benefits for him or another, instigation of the crime of using or presenting false documents or statements in bad faith. Prosecutors estimate the damage caused to the state budget in this case at more than 31.34 million lei.

What accusations does DNA bring to Dragnea in the Tel Drum case?

  • “The defendant Liviu Nicolae Dragnea, president of the Teleorman City Council, allegedly started an organized criminal group that included local government officials and businessmen. The group allegedly acted in the period 2001-2017 to obtain, fraudulently, significant amounts of contracts financed with public funds (national and European), through crimes of abuse of power, fraud of European funds, tax evasion and use of information not intended for publicity or that allows unauthorized persons to access this information.
  • Under the coordination and decision of the defendant Liviu Nicolae Dragnea, within the group, the officials would have acted in the interest of some private companies. For the operation of the group, it would have been necessary to privatize SC Tel Drum SA, transfer ownership of Teleorman County Council, through intermediaries, in the estate of Liviu Nicolae Dragnea, acquire with public funds a special asphalt equipment and assign, contracts of rehabilitation of roads in the region to Tel Drum SA.
  • SC Tel Drum SA would have been the main company of the group, massively capitalized and used to obtain works contracts, distribute capital to other companies and members of the group, buy movable and immovable property that are used by the members of the group, to transfer ownership of movable and immovable property to the same members.
  • One of the group’s objectives would have been for Tel Drum SA to be awarded a contract for the rehabilitation of 55 km of county road in Teleorman, DJ 701, worth 114,263,011 lei, of which 13,772,603 ​​euros came from European funds .
  • In this context, as a representative of the Teleorman Provincial Council, Liviu Nicolae Dragnea would have issued and signed decisions and provisions, in violation of the law, indispensable acts for the contract award procedure that, among others, included a restrictive condition that benefits to SC Tel Drum SA. With the help of two other people from the group, he allegedly used false and inaccurate documents at the ADR Sud Muntenia intermediate body. The technical project data was allegedly falsified and replaced, including by inserting a condition that ensured that Tel Drum won the tender. Furthermore, the Tel Drum company would have benefited from confidential data that benefited it when obtaining the contract.
  • Likewise, as a representative of the Teleorman Provincial Council, the defendant Liviu Nicolae Dragnea, would have taken steps and contributed so that the company Tel Drum SA was awarded the contract for the rehabilitation of more than 50 km of DJ 506, another regional road. of Teleorman, amounting to 62,482,442 lei, of which 6,930,138 euros come from European funds.
  • During the award procedure, the data would have been falsified and replaced, including by introducing the restrictive condition that favored the company Tel Drum, ensuring that it won the tender.
  • Likewise, the estimate of the works related to the road rehabilitation contract would have been artificially increased.
  • With reference to the two contracts for the rehabilitation of county roads in Teleorman, the damage created to the detriment of the public budget would be:
  • 25,600,927 lei (the difference between the price offered by Tel Drum SA and the lowest price offered) – contract DJ 701,
  • 5,742,872 lei (the difference between the actual estimate provided in the project and the modified estimate) – contract DJ 506.
  • The damage generated to the public budget is 31,343,799 lei, an amount that constitutes an undue benefit for the winning company SC Tel Drum SA ”.