all about Barcelona, ​​Argentina and the future


  • Jordi Evole, the journalist who interviewed Messi, assures that it is the longest interview ever granted by the Argentine on a television channel.

Lionel Messi tried to escape from Barcelona in the summer. From that moment on, there were daily rumors about the future fate of the Argentine. Jordi Evole, a journalist for La Sexta TV, got answers to the most burning questions. The Argentine star revealed that the relationship with the Catalan team is good now. The biggest disappointments were the way Bartomeu tried to profile him to the press and the way the Catalans broke with his friend Luis Suárez.

Leo Messi, interview at the end of the most convulsive year of his career

At the beginning of the dialogue, Messi declared his love for Barcelona: “I would give everything for the Barcelona shirt. I grew up in the club and in the city. I stayed here longer than in my own country. The club gave me everything, they trained me as a player, as a man. There is a love relationship, it is impossible to be different ”. Then followed an open dialogue with Jordi Evole, taken from Marca.

  • Jordi Évole: Have you passed summer time?
  • Leo Messi: I’m fine now, the summer episode is behind us. The club is going through a difficult period, but I am confident that together we can overcome it. What is rumored, is rumored. I can’t thank everyone. There are many who speak ignorantly. People believe anything, even if few things are true. I can’t control everything
  • Jordi Évole: Leo, did you cry recently?
  • Leo Messi: For sporting reasons, no. For another reason, yes. But that has to do with my privacy.

Leo Messi, full testimony after the summer scandal

  • Jordi Évole: Would you resend that fax if necessary?
  • Leo Messi: Yes, it was a way of making me understand and express my feelings. That’s how I wanted to tell the club that I want to go.
  • Jordi Évole: There were those who doubted your love for the club …
  • Leo Messi: Yes, that bothered me more. I felt like I had completed a cycle and it was time to leave the club that gave me everything. I wanted to win trophies and fight for the Champions League again. It was time for a change. Then the president began to give me a negative image.
    It was not easy to say that. My family wanted me to stay, that’s their home. But I felt like I couldn’t continue.The departure of Luis Suárez had nothing to do with my decision. But I admit it, it seemed crazy to me how Barcelona behaved with him and how he let a direct rival go.
  • Jordi Évole: How did you feel about Bartomeu’s betrayal?
  • Leo Messi: I’d rather not comment on that now … I’ll do it in the future, there were a lot of things.
  • Jordi Évole: Did your lawyers advise you to stay?
  • Leo Messi: No, on the contrary. They had agreed that we would win a possible legal dispute, but that was the last thing I wanted.
  • Jordi Évole: Referring to the tax problems you experienced. Do you feel that the fans will forgive everything?
  • Leo Messi: No, at some point they will not offer you unconditional support.

  • Jordi Évole: How do you like football without spectators?
  • Leo Messi: It is horrible, cold, strange, very different. I think that also influences the results a bit, so there are many surprises. The advantage of the land itself has completely disappeared
  • Jthe computer evolves: Play matches every 3 days. Do you think it is being exploited by FIFA, La Liga or UEFA?
  • Leo Messi: I understand that those who own the television rights need games, but I feel that there is not much consideration for footballers.

Leo Messi, tempted by the United States

Regarding future plans, Messi said: “I don’t know anything clear about the future. I am waiting to finish this season, I will finish my contract. It is important to think about the team now and finish the season well. I would like to play in the United States, experience life and the championship there. Then, at the end, go back to Barcelona one way or another ”.

I’ll do something about football, but I don’t see myself as a coach. I would like to be a sports director, bring to the team the players I would like

At the end of the dialogue, Evole offered Messi a tourist guide to the cities of Manchester and Paris, the most popular destinations. The Argentine politely refused to “stay with them.”

Leo Messi, marked by the death of Diego Maradona

I learned of Maradona’s death from a message sent by my father. It was terrible. Nobody expected that, and nobody can believe that, not even today. I don’t want to think that I’m going to have a funeral like Diego’s. It was natural, it’s worth it! I am not thinking about death, only about what will happen to my children, my family. That’s it
– Leo Messi

Leo Messi opened at the end of 2020

… on Ronald Koeman’s term: “I trust him, but it’s also difficult for him. It’s a transition period. There are a lot of new players, some young talents coming from behind. It’s difficult.”

… about the elections to the presidency of Barcelona: “I’m not sure if I will vote in the next election. Whoever comes will be in a difficult situation, they will have to work hard to get the team back to the waterline. None of the candidates have called me yet.”

… about the athletes he admires: “Rafa Nadal, Federer, LeBron James are people that I have always appreciated. Cristiano in football.”

… about personal life: “It’s normal, even boring. Sometimes I go to the supermarket, but it’s more difficult. People recognize me and I have to stop every time. I have my group of friends, family. I am extremely selective when it comes to choosing the people with that time passed. Sometimes I would like to be anonymous, to be able to go quietly to the cinema, to the restaurant, without having 300 eyes fixed on me. I am privileged, but sometimes I would like to go unnoticed ”.

My favorite Christmas gift as a kid was an official dance. It costs something, but my parents made an effort. I remember buying a T-shirt with Newells.
– Leo Messi

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