The lesser known details about the ministers of the Government of Cîțu. What’s in your wealth statements?


Paintings and jewelery, bank accounts and important investments – all can be found in the wealth declarations of the members of the Cîțu Cabinet. Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna and Energy Minister Virgil Popescu appear to be among the wealthiest ministers. The head of government owns the forest and the sale of wood has brought him good income. Assets declarations bring to lightComplicated and more nostalgic ministers of youth cars. The new head of education. for example, he still owns a Dacia from 1980.

The new team’s wealth declarations at Victoria Palace reveal lesser-known details.

Florin Cîțu, income from wood sales

Prime Minister Florin Cîțu, for example, has a number of properties together with his brother, in Vâlcea County, which they received from their parents. These include 75 hectares of forest land. So the prime minister also earns income from the sale of wood, That amounts to about 150,000 lei in 2020. The prime minister can boast a bank account of almost 500,000 lei and a 130 square meter apartment in Bucharest.

Dan Barna, investments of more than one million lei

Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna is perhaps one of the wealthiest members of the cabinet. He owns 3 apartments in Sibiu and over 1,000 square meters of inherited hay. It has more than 1 million lei and more than 55,000 euros in investment funds. The economic situation allowed him to borrow USR candidates in local elections for 35,000 lei, but also to buy a painting by a contemporary Romanian painter worth 8,500 euros.

Kelemen Hunor, lover of contemporary art

Deputy Prime Minister Kelemen Hunor is also a fan of contemporary artists. He has several paintings worth 6,000 euros. He also has, together with his family, several lots and 3 houses in Harghita and Covasna counties.

Virgil Popescu is the champion of own properties

However, most of the properties can be found at the Minister of Energy Virgil Popescu. He owns 6 urban lands, 7 agricultural lands, 3 forest lands and two houses, all in Mehedinți County, inherited or donated by his parents. The 73 square meter apartment in Bucharest belongs to his wife. They both own shares in various companies, which the minister loaned with almost 900,000 lei in 2020.

Bogdan Gheorghiu, art collection

The Minister of Culture and the Minister of Labor stand out for their collections of jewelery and art objects. Bogdan Gheorghiu has watches and jewelry worth € 13,000, and his art collection is worth € 30,000.

Raluca Turcan, jewels estimated at 12,000 euros

The only woman in the Government of Cî Gobiernou, Raluca Turcan, owns jewelry estimated at 12,000 euros.

Vlad Voiculescu stands out for loans to relatives

Even if several members of the cabinet lent to their relatives, Vlad Voiculescu stands out for the amount given to Valeriu Tatu – more than 220,000 lei. The press writes that he is an old friend of the minister. He is a former taxi driver who became involved in the project known as the “cytostatic network”, and later in MagiCamp.

Sorin Cîmpeanu, nostalgic for the cars of his youth

Other ministers seem attached to the cars of youth. The Cîmpeanu couple, for example, own a Dacia from 1980 and a Fiat from 1973.

Ciprian Teleman, company with USR and PLUS

The Minister of Digitization has had a Tico since 1999. He also owned shares in a company currently controlled by his wife. The company served as USR’s financial agent in local elections. And the minister’s wife was herself the financial representative of PLUS in the European elections, according to the documents of the Permanent Electoral Authority. Ciprian Teleman told Hotnews that this situation would not be a conflict of interest.

Florin Cîțu

– 1 ha – agricultural land
– 75 ha – teren forestier
– 1 house in Vâlcea – 130 m2
– 1 apartment, Bucharest – 130 m2
– 1 bank account – 492,000 LEI
– 1 loan granted to a third party – 30,600 EURO
– 1 bank loan – 303,000 EURO
– Senator’s annual income – LEI 122,259
– Minister’s annual income – 24,944 LEI
– sale of wooden table – 147,697 LEI

Dan Barna

– land in Sibiu – hay field – 1251 m2
– 3 devices in Sibiu
– painting by Gheorghe Fikl – 8,500 EURO
– accounts in lei – 358,642 LEI
– account in euros – 49,819 EURO
– investment funds in lei – 1,025,478 LEI
– investment funds in euros – 56,206 EURO
– shares in possession – 55,935 LEI
– loan granted to candidates in local elections – 35,000 LEI
– bank loan – 202,000 LEI

Kelemen hunor

– 2 agricultural land
– 3 extra-urban areas
– 3 houses in Cluj and Harghita counties
– paintings by contemporary artists – 6,000 euros
– accounts in lei – 310,275 LEI
– account in euros – 500 EURO
– investment fund – 41,512 LEI
– bank loan – 93,675 LEI

Virgil Popescu

– 6 urban lots – 25,307 MP
– 7 agricultural land – 94,627 MP
– 3 forest lands – 7400 MP
– 1 holiday home
– 1 house
– 2 apartments
– 7 accounts in lei – 159,856 LEI
– 7 accounts in euros – 133,791 EURO
– 7 investment funds in lei – 163,897 LEI
– 1 investment fund in euros – 1,069 EURO
– loans to companies in which he and his wife own shares – RON 870,606
– loan to a third party – USD 14,200
– bank loan – 13,800 LEI
– bank loan – 150,000 EURO
– Money from the sale of shares – 11,174 LEI
– dividends – 129,795 LEI
– apartment rental – 5,000 LEI

Bogdan gheorghiu

– watches + jewelery – 13,000 EURO
– art objects, paintings, icons – 30,000 EURO

Raluca Turcan

– jewelry – 12,000 EURO

Vlad voiculescu

Borrowed from a friend with LEI 222,700

Sorin Cîmpeanu

– 1 Dacia from 1980
– 1 Fiat from 1973

Ciprian Teleman

– 1 Tico since 1999
– Family business: the USR financial representative on the premises.
– Mihaela Teleman – PLUS financial representative in the European Parliament
– Dividends of the family business in 2020 – 539,677 LEI

Sources: wealth statements

Publisher: Liviu Cojan
