“It was the choice of a third world country”


Acting President Donald Trump says the US elections are at the level of a third world country. In a new message on Twitter, the president writes that an American soldier told him that the elections in Afghanistan are safer than those on November 3 in the United States.

“A soldier who is on a mission in Afghanistan told me that the elections in Afghanistan are much safer and much better organized than this year’s elections in the United States. Our elections, with millions and millions of fraudulent postal votes, were the elections of a third world country. Fake president! “wrote Donald Trump on Twitter.

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In another message, he accused the Supreme Court of being “totally incompetent and weak” in the face of “massive electoral fraud” that occurred in the November elections.

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Donald Trump still refuses to admit defeat to Joe Biden.

Twitter has changed the text of Donald Trump’s posts in which he lies or sends misleading messages about the result of the presidential election on November 3. The social network is now applying a message informing readers that Joe Biden is the official winner of the election.

Publisher: BP
