Exclusive EVZ. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Romanian doctor. It will be a historic quarantine. Israel is shutting down completely and preparing its own vaccine


This is Herman Berkovits, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s doctor of Romanian origin exclusively for EvZ about a period that will go down in the history of the state -as the last quarantine- in the context in which the vaccination campaign is advancing at an accelerated pace. The mathematics shows the authorities that the majority of Israelis will soon be vaccinated.

Purchases can only be made in the stores closest to home

The quarantine that the Israelis have in front of them – accepted by the majority of the population, but also contested at the same time by some – is designed for a period of two weeks starting Sunday at 5:00 p.m. From then on, Israel will be completely closed. Nobody leaves the country, and those who enter will have to go through a period of 14 days of quarantine in specially conditioned places. Stores are closing, except for food and pharmacies, VX students will interrupt classes, the number of people who can attend meetings outdoors will be limited to 20 and indoors to 10. Exceptions can only hold events of the church held outdoors where a maximum of 100 people will be allowed to divide into groups of ten.

Public transport will be cut in half during the total quarantine, but the activity of institutions that have a great contribution to the state economy and where there is no risk of contagion outbreaks, will remain open. You will be able to leave home for medical treatment, for vaccination, but also for other well-founded reasons, which may be justified. The supply of basic products can be made in the nearest stores. The program of schools for children with disabilities, kindergartens, courses for students in grades I-IV and XI-XII, but also judicial decisions that allow the transfer of children from one home to another in the case of parents divorced but with guardianship.

Goals: less than 1,000 daily illnesses and coronavirus transmission rate, 1

“A new difficult, difficult period awaits us, with great restrictions. The total quarantine is scheduled for two weeks, starting Sunday December 27, and aims to reduce the number of daily illnesses to less than 1,000 and the transmission rate to 1. Prime Minister Netanyahu would have liked this quarantine to be applied a week ago. not having reached the current situation when we have 3,500-4,000 daily cases. In the end, this moment was chosen. It’s going to be tough, but it’s only been two weeks. If these elements are met, it will not be necessary to extend the quarantine for another two weeks. However, judging by the vaccination campaign that is very well received by the population, this will undoubtedly be Israel’s last quarantine, ”explained Herman Bercovits, the Romanian-born doctor who has the life of the leader of Jerusalem in his hands. .

Coronavirus mutations have also been detected in Israel in several people coming from the UK. For this reason, the alert level has increased significantly and Israelis who want to return home can only do so by following extremely strict rules: they must remain in quarantine for 14 days in special hotels provided by the authorities where those people will be completely isolated. , even by their relatives. If those to be quarantined are chronically ill, disabled or have young children in their care, they are allowed to be isolated at home. Foreigners cannot enter Israel and airports have been closed since Wednesday.

The vaccine is not mandatory, but without proof of its administration, access to public institutions could be limited or prohibited.

For nearly a week, Israeli medical authorities have launched the national anti-COVID-19 vaccination campaign. The first to show confidence in this serum was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vaccinated by his Romanian-born doctor, Herman Bercovits. The event went global and was broadcast live and appears to have had a huge positive impact on Israelis. The figures show that more than 250,000 people who meet the requirements have been vaccinated since the beginning of the campaign at specially designated points in dozens of hospitals and polyclinics, places where hundreds of thousands of people now queue to receive serum. and immunize ourselves against the killer coronavirus.

“The vaccination campaign was very well received by the population. Now, after seeing that Prime Minister Netanyahu has also been vaccinated, hundreds of thousands of people are queuing at hospitals and polyclinics to get vaccinated. The vaccine is administered, based on the identity card, in all hospitals and polyclinics in the country. A vaccine is given first, and a second is given two weeks later. These are periods calculated based on the development of antibodies against this virus. It is free, but not required. It is the choice of every citizen. But, if he does not receive the vaccine, the man will not have that medical passport with the proof of his administration, and his right to enter certain public institutions or aboard the aircraft may be limited or prohibited, ”explained Benjamin Netanyahu’s official doctor .

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s children have not been vaccinated. They still don’t have the right

In the first series of the vaccination campaign, people over 60 years of age, who suffer from chronic diseases and medical personnel were present. They will be followed by individuals chosen according to age, those from defense structures and education employees (teachers, educators), and among the latter, young people over 16 will be vaccinated. Therefore, at this stage, Netanyahu’s children, the two boys, did not receive the anti-COVID-19 serum.

“Netanyahu’s children still do not have the right to be vaccinated. I vaccinated him (no. Prime Minister Netanyahu), and took his wife (no. Sara) to a polyclinic where they gave him the serum. She had no side effects and he alone had mild skin irritation in the area of ​​the sting. The prime minister continued to work according to his schedule. Later, my wife and I were vaccinated. My head hurts a little, that’s all. vaccination campaign for the entire population ends as soon as possible. By the end of December we will have four million doses and in January we expect to receive another eight million. Enough for the entire population of Israel, “said Berkovits.

Israel is considering including Palestinians in the COVID-19 vaccination program

The optimism of the Jerusalem authorities in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic is even greater as Dr. Berkovits says that by March, Israel will also have its own vaccine, a domestic product, which is now in a final testing stage. .

“In the spring, probably in March, we will also have our vaccine, produced in Israel. That approved serum, now in the second stage of testing, will be able to supplement, if necessary, the required doses. We are also thinking about the future. After As the entire population of Israel is vaccinated, there is talk in political circles that Israel will also direct its attention to Palestinians who could be included in a COVID-19 vaccination program. That will likely happen in the near future, “Herman said Berkovits, the doctor who cares for the health of one of the plant’s most influential politicians.
