The latest news on the status of actor Bogdan Stanoevici, infected with coronavirus. “His lungs are almost completely affected.”


The health of actor Bogdan Stanoevici, infected with coronavirus, has not improved. Doctors do not have good news about its evolution. The former presidential candidate has almost completely affected lungs.

According to, the former deputy minister of Romanians everywhere underwent a last minute intervention, aimed at stabilizing him. Stanoevici underwent extracorporeal oxygenation, a delicate operation, performed by the ECMO procedure, in order to put his lungs to rest for a period of 7 to 15 days.

“These two weeks are critical, but doctors hope that the affected lungs will be almost fully functional again. He is still in serious condition,” medical sources said.

Bogdan Stanoevici was intubated on December 16, in serious condition, and two days later he was transferred to the ATI ward, where he also suffered from a nosocomial infection. On December 24, he was transferred from the “St. Pantelimon” Hospital in the capital and is currently hospitalized at the Heart Institute.


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