A 33-passenger British Airways plane landed in Sweden, although flights from the UK are banned. “We were surprised”


A British passenger plane landed in Sweden on Saturday with 33 of passengers on board, despite the recent temporary ban on flightshis from United Kingdom, due to the new strain of coronavirus much more contagious, reports dpa, cited by Agerpres.

The British Airways flight had 33 passengers on board, including 29 Swedes and four Finns, the Svenska Dagbladet newspaper said.

We were surprised, a SAPS the head of the Swedish border police, Patrik Engstrom, for the aforementioned newspaper. Engstrom said police inspected the plane after it landed at Stockholm’s Arlanda Airport and did not expect to find passengers.

However, the Swedish passengers were allowed to disembark and the Swedish Public Health Agency asked them to take tests and isolate themselves. None of them to have symptoms of COVID-19.

Finnish citizens, including some young children, were also allowed to continue to Finland.

The incident was attributed to a misunderstandingssaid a carrier of the word from the Swedish Transport Agency for SVT, adding that the agency has contacted the airline, its British counterpart and clarifies the rules to follow to avoid a recurrence.

Sweden recently introduced a ban on passenger flights from the UK up to and including New Year’s Eve. The ban does not apply to commercial and medical flights, with exceptions for family emergencies.

In Sweden, a first case of contamination with the new strain of coronavirus circulating in the United Kingdom has been detected, the Swedish health authorities announced this Saturday. The new strain was detected in a person who traveled to and returned to Sweden from the UK, the Swedish Public Health Agency said in a statement. Is about a first isolated case in Sweden.

Editing: Monica Bonea
