Monica Pop: The word ‘safety’ doesn’t exist with something like a vaccine


“No doctor in the world can talk about safety in the presence of a drug or a vaccine. The word ‘security’ has nothing to do with it here, in any way, ever! So they know very well that it does not exist. .. Oh sure, that can be effective at a very high percentage.

The word “security” does not exist with such a thing. So I would like to know how the circulation of the virus decreases if it is a vaccine. Because if it is a vaccine it only means one thing: that it can be contaminated, but it is made in a lighter form. So the vaccine doesn’t stop the disease, ”said Dr. Monica Pop, in a telephone interview on the Essential program, moderated by Berta Popescu.

The first 10,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine arrived in the country on Friday in Vama Nădlac 2, the vaccine, developed by BioNTech and Pfizer, is the first to receive a conditional marketing authorization from the European Commission.

“Arafat: For us it is a hope, the light at the end of the tunnel”

“We are witnessing a historic moment, which shows that the world has found a solution. We see how the EU has managed not to disappoint its citizens.

When this truck arrived behind us with the first doses of vaccine, these trucks entered all the member countries of the European Union so that they could start the campaign together. It was a huge effort involving all Member States, including Romania. Joint procurement, joint approach and joint implementation, ”said the head of DSU.

“For us it is a hope, the light at the end of the tunnel, but be careful! This does not mean that the problem is solved and that we are forgetting about the mandatory measures. It’s just a start that will last until you make an impact. Today we are working on two fronts: the front to combat and limit the spread of the virus and the vaccination and prevention front, ”said Raed Arafat.
