Hundreds of Bucharest residents receive Christmas ‘gift’ from police: fines applied after raids on shops and public transport – Source news


The General Police Directorate of the Municipality of Bucharest announced that on Thursday more than 800 targets were verified: shops, markets, shopping complexes and more than 2,000 means of transport, of which 115 are underground. The authorities applied almost 700 penalties for infringement worth 153,000 lei.

“The controls were carried out with the support of the Gendarmerie, the Local Police, the Bucharest Public Health Directorate, the Bucharest Territorial Labor Inspectorate, the Bucharest Ilfov Emergency Situations Inspectorate and the National Veterinary Health and Safety Agency Alimentaria “, informs the General Directorate of Police of the municipality. Bucharest, in a press release.

Those involved in the verification action continued to make recommendations.

“Respect the health of those around you and respect your health. Wear a protective mask correctly, keep your physical distance and all hygiene measures”, also shows the cited source.

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