You need serious medical reasons not to wear a mask, you wonder if that person can still perform their duties


Those who do not wear a mask for medical reasons would find themselves in such a dire situation that they would not be able to perform many activities, DSU chief Raed Arafat told Digi 24. It suggests that people who are exempt from wearing a protective mask or refuse to wear it can work exclusively online.

We also have it when it comes to wearing a seat belt and a mask, we have somewhere that if for medical reasons you cannot use it, but here you need real medical reasons, it must be something very serious, that then you wonder if that person can still – He performs his duties, ”said Arafat on Digi24.

“Anyone who is near a person who does not want to wear a mask has the right to get up and leave, because they can consider their life in danger, because we do not know if that person is infected or not.” added.

“When you don’t have the opportunity to wear a mask or you don’t want to, participate online, there is modern technology, not be physically there,” Arafat added.

Editing: Monica Bonea
