The number of cases can increase suddenly


The new strain of coronavirus detected in the UK may be up to 70% more contagious, which can cause a sudden increase in the number of infected people, putting even more pressure on health systems. DSU chief Raed Arafat says there is no indication that the symptoms are different from the variant that already exists in most parts of the world.

“The strain is more contagious, it does not mean that it increases the possibility that those who get sick have a more severe form through the new strain, it leads to the aggravating symptoms that the predominant one has, but the fact that it spreads much more quickly, it is 70 percent more aggressive, it is normal that the number of infected people can increase suddenly. This is the reason why various restrictions have been taken in other countries as a precaution, pending a clearer analysis. France has decided to close air and rail transport until a more complete analysis is achieved in 48 hours. We made the decision for 14 days, there are countries that took 10 days ”, said Arafat in Digi24.

“We are going to analyze the situation, if we see that it no longer requires these measures, we can renounce them. Our reaction is normal and we are waiting to see what the decisions will be at the European level ”, he added.

Arafat also says that, as far as is known, the new strain will not reduce the impact of the vaccine.

“The appearance of mutations is normal, some may be minor, others major. At the moment, this mutation does not affect the change in the severity of the case in which the infected person is more serious, but it leads to a more rapid spread and this can have an impact on the health system, “he said.

Editing: Monica Bonea
