“The negotiation is not over yet”


On Sunday a new meeting takes place between the partners of the three parties of the future government coalition, also in Vila Lac.

Florin Cîțu, the designated prime minister for the future coalition government, announced on Saturday night that “two-thirds of the government program has been agreed upon by the teams of the three parties. We ensure that there are measures that can be implemented very soon with immediate impact for Romania. Based on our estimates, I believe that we will end the government program tomorrow (Sunday) or at the latest Monday and then we will have a government invest as soon as possible and we will be able to implement these measures. See you tomorrow with the same teams. “

The future prime minister also said that the Finance, European Funds and Digitization portfolios were discussed and that tomorrow (Sunday – ed.) Health and Justice will come.

Florin Cîțu also said that the coalition leaders had not yet had a discussion with President Klaus Iohannis on the following consultations, responding to journalists’ questions: “Let’s finish the negotiations here first.”

In turn, Ludovic Orban, president of the PNL, announced that the definition of the governmental structure and “an orientation of the positions of step 2 and 3 of the governmental structure” have been established.

“We are at the end of a day of dialogue, of gaining the mutual trust in which we have defined the governmental structure. Being a coalition government, we discuss the details within the government, within the ministries among ministers, secretaries of state, agency chairs.

There are those institutions that are run by people who hold positions of public dignity, that is, secretary of state, undersecretary of state; These functions of public dignity are political functions, of political responsibility and, of course, will be exercised by representatives of political parties within the ruling coalition. Regarding the administrative level of public positions, both at the national level and at the level of territorial structures that can be autonomous or regional, we support a clear modification of the legislation (…) so that all public positions are filled through a transparent organized contest in which anyone who meets the conditions for participation and the selection is objective so that the best occupy public positions can participate, ”said Orban at the end of a new round of negotiations on the governing program.

“We have also finalized an orientation on the way in which rank 2 and 3 positions will be defined in the Government structure. There are two types of agencies, authorities, offices, here we are talking about agencies, authorities, offices and inspections. (…) There are political positions, “declared the president of the Liberals,” added the PNL leader.

USR leader Dan Barna said that “tomorrow at the end of the day or on Monday we will have completed the government program. (…) Today was a full day, nobody is completely happy, nobody is completely unhappy. It is a feeling of fatigue but also of progress ”and the goal of all the coalition parties is to have a government until Christmas or between Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

Dacian Cioloș, leader of PLUS, specified that “today we do not discuss, we share suicides, we discuss the agents who have dignitaries. We do not divide just to thank the people of the party, but to make sure that those appointed implement the government program. We also need to discuss the appointments of ministers for the negotiated portfolios. Tomorrow we have to complete the government program ”.

Cseke Attila (UDMR) mentioned that “the most important thing is to increase confidence to achieve a good vote in Parliament. (…) we also want to sign the coalition agreement ”.

On Saturday, December 19, the leaders of the center-right coalition met for a new round of negotiations in Vila Lac, at 11.00, for the government program to be presented to Parliament on Monday. The surnames circulated for the portfolios of the ministries of the future Florin Cîțu Cabinet.

Read also PNL, USR-PLUS and UDMR decide the guiding program. What are the 20 names of the government of Cîțu?
