Emmanuel Macron, announcement about his health, after being confirmed with COVID


The president of France, Emmanuel Macron, announced this Friday, in a video posted on social networks, that he feels good, but a little tired, after being confirmed with coronavirus. He assured that he will continue to carry out his current tasks, but “a bit inactive”, reports AFP, assumed by Agerpres.

In a three-minute video on his phone, Emmanuel Macron, who was slightly shot in the face, said he had the same symptoms he had the day before – “fatigue, headache, dry cough” – and promised to “report daily. on the evolution of his illness “.

The French president, who tested positive for COVID-19 and has specific symptoms, continues to work remotely from an official residence near Paris.

The announcement of his illness led several European leaders, who had had contact with Macron, to isolate themselves. Before Emmanuel Macron, many heads of state and government were already infected with the new type of coronavirus, including US President Donald Trump and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who, like other leaders, sent messages of support to Macron. .

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Publisher: BP
