Lucian Bode boasted at the Government meeting with 90 km of road completed. With so much enthusiasm he confused the investments


Romania’s road network is growing today by more than six kilometers, with the inauguration of the Râșnov – Cristian lot on the Bucharest – Brașov highway. The section of the highway will be used as a detour route between the two towns. At the Government meeting, Minister Bode made an enthusiastic assessment of the achievements, saying that thus, the number of kilometers of road completed in 2020 is 90 kilometers. However, he confused the Râșnov-Cristian group with Predeal-Cristian.

Lucian Bode, Minister of Transport: “Today we will put into circulation the Predeal-Cristian sector of the Ploiești-Brașov Highway (in fact, Râșnov – Cristian – no.) With a road profile length of 6.3 km and road profile 3.7 km national, with four bands.

Through this approach we give a very clear signal that this objective is a priority for the liberal government and, at the same time, a firm commitment that after 18 years of public debates this project has support and is on the path irreversible implementation.

With these 10 km of road, the liberal government ends 2020 with some 90 km of motorways put into circulation, in a difficult year as we all know, in a year in which public systems were seriously affected by the health crisis, and the economy has slowed its growth.

This year we completed a number of kilometers of road almost equal to those completed in three years of the socialist government.

We are aware that the expectations of Romanians are much higher.

By far, 2020 has been the best year for the execution of contracts for motorways, national roads, worth 2,000 million euros, to which we add the bidding procedures validated by ANAF worth 6,000 million euros.

2020 was for the Road Company the year in which, from the hiring point of view, we reached the historical maximum of the last 10 years: 8,000 million euros, eight times more than the historical maximum of 2011 ”.

The works on the Râșnov-Cristian section, in Bra condadoov county, which is part of Highway 3, section Bra –ov – Comarnic, began on May 20, 2019 and should be completed next summer.

The new section of the road will be used as a detour for Râșnov and Cristian. It will take care of traffic on National Highway 73.

The construction of the new section of the road cost 118 million lei.

Publisher: Georgiana Marina
