Stelian Tănase announces a veritable massacre in NLP: ‘The knives have been removed. Blood is still on the walls’ – Font News


The publicist and writer Stelian Tănase, close to the NLP area, thinks that at this moment there are strong struggles in the National Liberal Party. He believes that the timing of the “coups” is bad.

“I have been closely following what is happening to the liberals for 30 years. The situation in NLP is blue today. Not only is the position of prime minister disputed, as it seems, but also that of leader of NLP. If you lose you have Than to leave the party or go downstairs. The knives were removed. There is blood on the walls. From Cotroceni, Iohannis is closely monitoring the situation.

Tonight there will be a decisive meeting at the top. Who Will Survive? That is the question. Stupid time for a hit. The fate of NLP is at stake, much less the fate of overly selfish and powerless leaders. I wonder with concern what will be chosen by NLP? ”Stelian Tănase said.

Read also: The battle for positions, unchanged for more than 100 years – ‘Chronicle’ of the PNL-USR-PLUS-UDMR negotiations, conducted by IL Caragiale

Negotiations for the formation of the new government have been stalled for several days. The three right-wing parties, PNL-USR-PLUS-UDMR, cannot agree on the positions they should occupy.
