The country where Covid is wreaking havoc, but does not have a coherent vaccination plan or vaccination contracts: “It is criminal negligence”


Jair Bolsonaro, the president of Brazil, faces harsh reactions and criticism in Brazil, as the country ranks third in the world in terms of number of coronavirus infection cases and second in terms of number of deaths. contract with a company that develops and distributes high-efficiency Covid vaccines and no coherent plan to immunize the general population against the virus, writes The Guardian.

More than 180,000 Brazilians have died so far from Covid-19, a disease the Brazilian president has called a “little flu,” and Latin America’s largest economy is heading for a painful second wave, as the first La wave has already swept the country.

The Bolsonaro government has failed to explain satisfactorily how it plans to vaccinate its 212 million citizens. Despite having the sixth largest population in the world, Brazil has not signed contracts with Pfizer, the company that produced the first high-efficiency vaccine, the serum that is already approved and used in the United Kingdom and the United States to immunize the population. usually. with Moderna, the second company to produce a vaccine with an efficiency greater than 90%. Brazil has previously pinned its hopes on the serum developed by AstraZeneca, but the required doses of this serum are also insufficient for a country with such a large population.

Furthermore, Bolsonaro avoided the use of the Chinese experimental vaccine SinoVac in general because only the governor of the state of Sao Paulo, Joao Doria, a possible rival in the presidential elections of 2022, supported the use of this serum for immunization in the region he leads. . .

Experts believe that this electoral strategy of the Brazilian president and the impossibility of finding a solution for a contract with the main vaccine manufacturers could lead to a constant increase in the number of deaths – “The big problem is that the government has put all its hopes in an agreement with AstraZeneca for 100 million doses and did not negotiate other contracts. In any case, those doses will not be enough to immunize the entire population “, says Natalia Pasternak, founder of a scientific institute. “This situation shows how disconnected this pandemic is from this administration. They still do not understand the seriousness of the situation we are going through,” he added.

At the end of last week, the Brazilian press almost entirely criticized the vaccination plan announced by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, a document that provides for the vaccination of priority groups for a period of five months, but does not foresee any strategy to general vaccination of the population.

“Bolsonaro’s criminal recklessness regarding the coronavirus pandemic has exceeded all limits. The time has come to at least pretend to have the maturity and the ability to lead a country of 212 million people at a dramatic moment in its collective history. ”Wrote Folha de Sao Paulo, a Brazilian newspaper on the front page. Another, State of Sao Paulo, accuses Bolsonaro of” lethal incompetence “:” There is not a single aspect of the management of this crisis that has not been tainted by obscurantism, negligence, incompetence or recidivism “.

The harsh criticism comes after the president of the Rio Medical and Surgical Society also launched a wave of criticism against Bolsonaro and his government, whom he accused of “criminal negligence.”

Editor: Adrian Dumitru
