The “Swedish model” has reached its limits. It’s full of intensive care, and the mayor of Stockholm demands the intervention of the army


Alarming situation in Sweden, where the medical system is on the verge of collapse due to the pandemic. The capacity of intensive care units is near the maximum limit and hospitals are starting to run out of staff. Doctors are exhausted and more and more medical personnel are resigning.

The government has already started asking private clinics for help, and the mayor of the capital Stockholm has requested the army to intervene. according to Bloomberg

ANDthe situation is “extremely tense” said the mayor Irene Svenonius meIn an interview publication Today news. meAA additional that employees in the health field they are overloaded and that is need more personal doctor.

There is fatigue. northa whoremeter ignore this, which is why it is extremely important to attractmeter more peopleShe said.

It is not sure where this additional capacity will come from. Stockholm asked for staff doctor additional from the Swedish armed forces, but it is unclear Yes the military has the resources to help.

Meanwhile, more than 100 employees of a children’s hospitalyou were redistributed into intensive care units, which means that children who do a non-urgent surgery will now be forced to wait.

On Saturday, Finland said it was willing to help taking patientshis Swedish Who needs it intensive care. But before Sweden enlists the help of its northern neighbors, it will try to use the available capacity in zone of the least burdened country, according to local media.

Since the start of the pandemic, Sweden has refused to impose quarantine and relied on group immunity, but the explosion of COVID cases eventually pushed it to impose some restrictions.

Laura Ghibu, a Romanian doctor from Sweden, told Digi24 that many of the employees in the Swedish healthcare system have resigned because they can no longer cope with the intense pace of work.

We don’t just have COVID. We have a lot of patients that we put on hold in the spring and now they need medical attention. We currently have 650 intensive care places throughout the country. In the spring it had 1,100. We could increase the number of these positions, but the people who worked this summer, who worked voluntarily, this staff is no longer available, “he said.

It is very difficult to ask a lot of medical personnel for a long time. That is why he turned to the military forces, which have medical personnel and could intervene in time in the Stockholm region, “he added.

Editing: Monica Bonea
