Camelia Pătrășcanu, the strongest forecasts for 2021: “The world is changing from now on, we have a new year with financial problems”


Camelia Pătrășcanu tells us what to expect next year.

“2020 promises to be a strange year. It was not announced a pandemic, but a year with twists, transformation and change.

Everyone seeks to adapt and change their perspective on life to find a place in this puzzle. The changes are until 2025. We have an astral trend, not as tense as in 2020 or 2021, but for 7 years in 2025 we will have more homogeneous milestones.

The most tense years will be 2020/2021. The world is changing from now on, in 2021 we have another tense year and we no longer feel pressure from the authorities. We will not calm down next year. Financial problems will be on top. It is a year of signs of anarchy. It is one of sincerity, everyone is more uninhibited, more natural because many planets are placed in Aquarius ”, said Camelia Pătrășcanu, in“ Dar și Har ”of Antena 3.

In 2021 we are assisting in the construction of small communities, it is a year of new friendships

“This period, because there were many retrograde planets until late fall, the courage to invest in real estate arises. This end of the year month is very good for financial transactions, especially for earth signs: virgins, bulls, Capricorns, but also for scorpions and fish. So those who can do that, decide and do it ”, added the astrologer.

New Moon in Sagittarius in mid-December

Until 2021 we have a jump to live, an interesting transist, in mid-December. The key to 2021 may depend on the new moon on December 14, especially that it correlates with other things that are happening then on the planet. Problems are not that important, as the context in which they occur is. Why? Because it is the new moon in Sagittarius over the carmic point with various panels involved there.

Destiny takes place in Gemini in 2021. All our efforts are controlled by this destiny in Gemini, a sign of articulation, flexibility, mobility. It helps us to see the practical and living aspects of life, it helps us not to cling. 2022 is a good financial year and we get rid of conflict.
