A video with the president of the USR, Dan Barna, and the MEP of the USR, Cristian Ghinea, discussing the possibility of dissolving the group of communication and debate of the party members, a platform in which they are highly criticized, caused a violent reaction. of the users. Even from Allen Coliban’s team came requests to resign for Dan Barna.
Allen Coliban’s consultant in local elections, Radu Hossu, a member of USR Brașov, posted the video with Dan Barna and Cristian Ghinea on his Facebook page, accusing them both of being the first “despot” and the second “Mephistophelic.” . .
Dan Barna and Cristian Ghinea discuss those who criticize the president of the USR on the platform “Poiana lui Iocan” and about the possibility of abolishing this means of communication between party members.
“Poiana lui Iocan” is a group destined for debate within the RSU, with several thousand members. The platform has been flooded in recent days with accusations and reproaches from members of the USR for the way in which Dan Barna handled the affairs of the party, and many of the messages ask him to resign, because the result of the elections of 6 December is lousy. for user expectations.
Dan Barna has stated on several occasions that he will not resign, considering that the 15% score obtained by USR is “historic”, and he claimed for himself the position of President of the Chamber of Deputies, during negotiations with PNL and UDMR to form a coalition. government.
Coliban’s adviser had also demanded Dan Barna’s resignation immediately after Sunday’s election, accusing Dan Barna of promoting “a toxic culture” at USR.
“Mr. Dan Barna declared today that he is a fighter, so he does not resign. Mr President, what I would like you to understand is that it is not about you, it is about us and the electorate. On the connection between the USR party and its electorate. And you broke that connection. You and your team. Foster a toxic culture at this party. The culture through which this party was founded is one of the grass up and not the other way around. The RSU’s mission is based on the interest of the electorate and not the interest of the leaders. The priority interest of our organization must be the interest of the citizen, not that of the leaders. I am sorry to have to give you an external example now, but remember Ludovic Orban, who has just resigned from the Government. USR’s national score, the diaspora score, which was likely demobilized by the Vlad Teohari elimination scandal, forces you to step back and make room for a team that can negotiate more legitimately and form a new government. , but and the future merger with PLUS. — * as I said in my first post on this topic, as a proud member of USR Brașov, an organization that demonstrated that RSU can be the main force in the Municipality and County and as a strategy coordinator in both campaigns, I publicly assume these lines and all their consequences, ”wrote Allen Coliban’s consultant.
Editor: Adriana Duțulescu