Who is Nicolae Ciuca, the interim Prime Minister of Romania? Present in many theaters of operations and decorated by Americans. Fortune of the military


Born on February 7, 1967 in Pleniţa, Dolj County, Nicolae Ciucă graduated from the “Tudor Vladimirescu” Military Higher School in Craiova, in 1985, and then from the “Nicolae Bălcescu” Military School for Active Officers in Sibiu, in 1988. According to the Ministry of National Defense, between 1993-1995, Ciucă attended courses at the Academy of Higher Military Studies, specialty Joint weapon. In 2003 he obtained a doctorate in military science and then followed a series of military courses in the United States.

From May 1996 to May 1997, Nicolae Ciucă was a staff officer in the UNAVEM III mission, Angola, then between May 1997 and November 1998, he was a staff officer in the Office of Combat Operations and Training, Brigade 2 Mechanized “Ruins”, Craiova. Commander of the Land Component in the Multinational Exercise “Blue Danube 2000”; November 1998 – February 2001 – Chief of Staff of the 26th Infantry Battalion “Neagoe Basarab”, Craiova.

“General of the Desert”

Between 2001 and 2004, Nicolae Ciucă was the commander of the 26th Infantry Battalion (Red Scorpions), with which he participated in the Enduring Freedom I Mission, Afghanistan (2002-2003), and Ancient Babylon, Iraq (2004). Ciuca earned his rank in the theaters of operations, being one of the few Romanian generals who personally led a combat mission (May 14-15, 2004, the fight for the bridge over the Euphrates in Iraq). That is why he was called “the general of the desert.”

The Battle of Nassiria (Iraq, May 2004), in which Romanian troops were led by Nicolae Ciuca, is the first battle in which Romanian soldiers were active combatants after World War II. For the results of his career, the “General of the Desert” has been honored with various distinctions and decorations, some of which are offered by American partners: the United States Medal of Merit and the Operations Forces Medal of Honor. Specials from the United States. from America.

Nicolae Ciucă, a convinced pro-Atlanticist, was the center of a major political scandal between President Iohannis and the PSD when Defense Minister Gabriel Leş tried to replace him. The president extended his term for one year, by decree that was challenged by Leş in court, and the court ruled in favor of the minister. General Ciucă was appointed by President Iohannis Chief of the General Staff in 2015, until then the Deputy Chief of Staff, General of Aviation Ştefan Dănilă,

The general’s fortune

According to Nicolae Ciucă’s wealth declaration, he lives in the Baloteşti commune, Ilfov county, where he owns half of an urban land with an area of ​​598 square meters. Together with his wife, since 2005 the general has owned a 2,829-square-meter urban plot in the Pieleşti commune in Dolj county. It also has a 232 square meter house with a 50% stake, completed in 2017.

As for cars, Romania’s acting prime minister owns a Toyota Corolla and a RAV4, the last he bought this year. Nicolae Ciucă has four more bank loans totaling 323,000 lei.

In terms of income, Nicolae Ciucă added that he received an annual salary of 195,581 lei, for the activity of the Ministry of Defense, while last year he received a total salary of 50,602 from the Ministry of Defense. Last year he also received the amount of 3,288 lei from the “Mihai Viteazu” National Information Academy, where he carried out independent activities.

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