Klaus Iohannis reported himself – OPINION – News from sources


Patriarch Daniel had a golden mouth when he prophesied that the government of Ludovic Orban would suffer the fate of the communist regime in 1989, if it prohibited the pilgrimage of Saint Demetrius, the Protector of Bucharest. He was followed by His Eminence Theodosius, who also said, from Constanța, that the people would take to the streets if the pilgrimage to Saint Andrew the Apostle, the Protector of Romania, was not allowed. People did not go out to the streets to protest, but went to the polls and had another electoral preference.

Romania is without a government again! The decision was made by Klaus Iohannis, who asked Ludovic Orban, in the midst of a health, economic and political crisis, to leave the palace he had entered a year and a half ago. That’s because the NLP “won”, as Iohannis said, the elections, because it went from 20% in 2016 to 25% in 2020. And, when you win, you have to resign, that’s the presidential logic. Attention, applicable only to the prime minister.

In this context, it is worth noting the clarifications of the OSCE, which accused Klaus Iohannis of violations of the Constitution. “The president has frequently made his political preferences clear in public speeches in the run-up to the elections. This has led to the line between his official prerogatives and the electoral campaign becoming increasingly blurred, which is a violation. of international standards and the commitments made by all OSCE countries to maintain a clear separation between the state and political parties, “said Marianne Mikko, none other than the head of the ODIHR Special Electoral Evaluation Mission, on Monday. in Romania. .

This is the image in which Klaus Iohannis detonated the bomb on Monday night. From the rostrum of the Presidential Palace, who sounded the party’s trumpet during his tenures, especially in the last year, Iohannis, also nicknamed the “Cotroceni ficus”, said calmly but firmly, one day before the Day. From the Romanian Constitution, which deliberately violated the fundamental law of the state.

Basically, Iohannis mocked what he swore in both 2014 and 2019, when he said that “I will respect the Constitution and the laws of the country, I will defend democracy, fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens.” None of this happened, and Iohannis, on Monday night, reported himself.

“The center-right parties, as a whole, obtained more than 50% of the valid votes cast. And I can tell you, with all sincerity, that that was my objective and, therefore, I had to express myself a little more in public, in the last weeks ”, are the statements with which Iohannis incriminates himself.

For this reason, the president calmly admits that he violated the Constitution in favor of certain parties. If we corroborate with the official accusations of the OSCE, Romania has become a state monopolized by the president, and Romanians live under a dictatorship of the same. One in which whoever watches over the observance of the Constitution violates it, not since yesterday, but since 2015, and although he must defend democracy, as he swore, he mocks it from its supreme forum. All these repeated violations of the Constitution and mockery of democracy have occurred under the encouraging statements of the United States ambassador to Romania, who, since taking office, has campaigned for the NLP and criticized the PSD with more violence than often. even liberals with old states in the party.

I was writing, in October 2019, in THIS ARTICLE, on the fact that the decisions of the Romanian Constitutional Court in which many violations of the Romanian Constitution are registered by the president of the country himself are unprecedented in a democracy, especially in Europe, and this does not happen in Russia or Belarus of Vladimir Putin Aleksandr Lukashenko, much less in Viktor Orban’s blasphemous Hungary.

The Romania of 2020, on the threshold of 2021, another decade of this century, finds itself in a presidential dictatorship, in which no one takes any action. What I thought, in Traian Băsescu’s sad memory mandates, that it couldn’t be worse, turned out to be that we were wrong. Yes, it can be worse, and Iohannis shows us every day that we were too pessimistic.

Iohannis claimed credit because NLP jumped from 20% to 25%, and USR-PLUS reached 15%, compared to 8% 4 years ago. For these actions, as he sees them, Iohannis demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Orban, his former political subordinate. But if the credit is his, because, as he said, “that was my goal”, shouldn’t he resign, not just Orban?

Romania was left without an executive with full powers, unable to issue GEO. Furthermore, the political crisis appears to be extremely difficult to resolve in the current equation of parliamentary election results. Without PSD, which Iohannis excludes from any government formula, according to simple arithmetic calculations, not the presidential ones, in which 20 plus 15 do not add up to more than 50, but only 40, a government cannot be made.
