Prime Minister Orban resigns / Iohannis appoints Acting Prime Minister



Romanian President appointed Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă as Acting Prime Minister

“The President of Romania, Mr. Klaus Iohannis, took note of the resignation of Mr. Ludovic Orban from the post of Prime Minister of Romania.

In accordance with the provisions of art. 106 and art. 107 par. (3) of the Constitution, the President of Romania appointed Mr. Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă Acting Prime Minister, in order to fulfill the powers of the Prime Minister until the formation of the new Government ”

Initial news

Ludovic Orban announces that he has decided to resign as Prime Minister.

“Today I made the decision to resign as prime minister. The decision has a very precise objective: once the decision of the citizens is expressed, negotiations for a new government must begin.”says Ludovic Orban.

It says that Romania needs a responsible government that represents the will of Romanians who want to modernize and develop Romania.

“I want to make my decision very clear: I am not holding on to the post of prime minister, that the negotiations that will follow should lead to a government made up of center-right political parties, which clearly support Romania’s Euro-Atlantic orientation and want to use all the resources that Romania will have at its disposal and take advantage of the opportunities to be able to increase the quality of life of each one of the Romanian citizens ”, Orban adds.

Orban said that after his resignation, the government will be led by a Cabinet member who will be appointed by President Iohannis.

I am also confident that the voice of reason will triumph in the negotiations to be launched by the President of Romania ”.Orban added. He expressed his conviction that in the coming days the negotiations will truly lead to a government that has the capacity to move Romania forward, face the challenges facing the country and especially prepare for economic recovery. from Romania after the pandemic.

Ludovic Orban also said that he and his colleagues did “everything humanly possible”: “We try to find the right answers to all the challenges facing Romania. On December 6, the Romanians who participated in the vote decided the composition of the future Parliament. My goal is to build a parliamentary majority that does not include the PSD. The goal The next period is to participate in the negotiations for the formation of a government that will offer Romanians the guarantee of a correct direction for Romania and the guarantee of a capacity to use all the resources and all the opportunities that Romania will have in the next four years . “.

The most important LIVETEXT statements

  • I made the decision to run for Prime Minister
  • Romania needs a responsible government
  • I want my decision to show that I am not holding on to work.
  • I am ending my term as Prime Minister after a year and a month in which Romania faced an extremely difficult period, in which Romanians faced an unprecedented pandemic and economic crisis.
  • I leave the position of prime minister with the conscience of the duty fulfilled
  • I did everything humanly possible
  • We try to find answers to all the confrontations
  • On December 6, the Romanians decided on the composition of the future Parliament.
  • My goal is to build a parliamentary majority that does not include PSD
  • I will participate in the negotiations to form a government that uses all resources and opportunities.
  • Following my resignation, the Government will be headed by a member of the Cabinet who will be appointed by the President of Romania.
  • I want my resignation to be clear: I am not holding on to any position, I am not setting conditions

The decision comes after the NLP result of Sunday’s parliamentary elections and after Orban’s meeting with President Iohannis on Monday.

ALSO READ Ludovic Orban, two terms, one dismissal and one resignation. The balance of the liberal who led the Government for a year

Iohannis, before resignation: center-right parties obtained more than 50% of the valid votes cast

Klaus Iohannis made the first statement on Monday night after the election results and after openly supporting the NLP during the election campaign.

The president affirmed that we must be very honest: the turnout was low and “it is very clear that there are many Romanians who either did not receive enough information about these elections, or they are dissatisfied with me, the parties, the entire political class or certain measures adopted. I see these things and it is important for all politicians to see these things, analyze them and meet the Romanians who did not go to the polls ”.

According to President Klaus Iohannis, the election results show that there is no clear winner.

“If we look at the results that are currently called provisional, we see that PNL in 2016 had obtained 20%, now 25%, so a clear increase. USR – meanwhile together with PLUS – obtained in 2016 5%, while they increased to 15%. PSD, which had obtained 45% in 2016, fell dramatically to 29%. Therefore, it is clear, if we collect these results, that the center-right parties obtained more than 50% of the validly cast votes and I can tell you that that was my goal, ”declared Iohannis.

He said he had that goal and should express himself “a little more in public”, justifying in passing his current appearances in the election campaign.

LIVETEXT the most important statements from President Iohannis.

  • The elections are over and I can draw the first conclusions
  • Thanks to all who voted. I guarantee that each vote will be taken into account and account
  • Participation was low and it is very clear that there are many Romanians who either did not receive enough information or are dissatisfied with me, the parties, the entire political class.
  • I see these things. These reasons need to be clarified and I am very determined to investigate all these issues.
  • Election results show no clear winner
  • NLP in 2016 had obtained 20%, now it has 25%, a clear increase
  • RSU obtained 8% in 2016, increased to 15%
  • PSD had dropped dramatically in 2016 from 45% to 29%
  • Therefore, it is clear, if we add these results, that the center-right parties obtained more than 50% of the votes
  • That was my goal and so I had to speak a little more in public.
  • PSD can finally stay out of political decision after a cycle between elections
  • A center-right coalition is rapidly crystallizing that may propose a coalition government
  • In a few days I will call consultations to find the best solution for Romania
  • The new government that will be formed will manage the necessary measures in the pandemic, will urgently present the long-awaited reform measures, will manage the vaccination campaign and will present a preliminary draft budget as soon as possible.

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