Kelemen: Romania needs a center-right government to prepare quickly for next year’s budget – Politics


UDMR leader Kelemen Hunor says he is satisfied with his party’s electoral score and says the priority is to form a center-right government that can quickly prepare for next year’s budget.

“I can tell you what I have said before, not only in the election campaign, that Romania would need – and from our point of view this would be desirable – a stable government with a solid center-right parliamentary majority,” he said. Kelemen Hunor, after announcing the results of the exit poll.

He said that he had not yet received a request from any party, but that the future government should have at least 60% parliamentary support.

According to the president of the UDMR, the new government should be formed as soon as possible, so that by the end of the year the budget law 2021 is adopted.

“The first step to take immediately after December 20 is to find a government with political stability and support it, if possible, a government that very soon, between Christmas and New Year, will pass a budget law for 2021.” because it is the most important law that must be voted by the new parliament, let us have a budget, because expectations are high, enormous, especially in the area of ​​health, education and in terms of safety, job security, economic growth, investment growth and sustainability, fiscal and economic predictability, “Kelemen Hunor was quoted as saying by Agerpres.

The PSD obtained in the Senate 30.6% of the votes cast at the national level in the parliamentary elections on Sunday and in the Chamber of Deputies – 30.5%, and the PNL obtained 29.1% in the Senate and in the Chamber of Deputies – 29%, according to the results of the exit poll conducted by CURS – Avangarde, commissioned by Antena 3, for 7:00 p.m. In third place is the USR PLUS Alliance, which obtained 16.4% in the Senate and 15.9% in the Chamber of Deputies.
