USR-PLUS is one of the first three political forces, without which it will not be possible to form a government


Dacian Ciolos, the co-chair of USR-PLUS, says the party will negotiate entry to power with political forces that want to reform Romania. It says that USR-PLUS is the third political force in the country, without which the government will not be formed ”.

“Participation has barely exceeded 30%. I expect more than 40%. In these conditions, in which participation was reduced, it is a very good result anyway. USR-PLUS is a new political force. USR had the 9 % in Parliament. We have formed a new political force, which is consolidating, we will have twice the number of mandates compared to 2016. USR-PLUS is one of the first three political forces and without which it will not be possible to form a government, “he said. Ciolos.

“We are ready to negotiate with the reformist political forces, whose aim is to reform and modernize Romania. Romania needs peace, but above all predictability, which can only be achieved through a reform program. This COVID crisis brought to light the problems it has. the state, the need for modernization in education, health, the depoliticization of public administration, the need for digitization. These things are among the objectives of USR-PLUS. These reforms are necessary and the parties that will be willing to discuss a program of modernization and reform of Romania will be our partners, “he said.

Ciolos does not believe that PSD will be able to form a majority, to give the future government.

“I do not believe that the PSD is what Romania needs. We will see after counting which parties enter Parliament, but I still believe that there will be a majority of political forces that want to modernize Romania,” he said.

Editing: Monica Bonea
