CTP, after the results of the 2020 EXIT SURVEY in Parliament: “Still bad anyway” | Freedom


The PSD ranks first in the parliamentary elections (30%), followed by the PNL (29%), according to the exit poll CURS-Avangarde presented by Antena 3, based on centralized data until 7:00 p.m.

CTP explained what happens if the PSD wins the parliamentary elections and what will happen if the PNL wins.

“If the PSD wins the elections, this will make Mr. Ciolacu go to Cotroceni with a prime minister proposal, he will not receive this prime minister, obviously President Iohannis will not nominate him, but this is not the PSD’s main objective, but If they have first place, then the image of the party is kept alive, the current leadership of the party is validated and they can remain on hold, in a good position, “said CTP.

He specified that the objective of the PSD is not “necessarily to reach the government in this difficult situation,” but to wait “for the moment when this fragile majority overthrows and overtakes the government.”

“If PSD is within walking distance of PNL, then the theft, fraud, theft from us scenario will be triggered.” So we are going to have a US stage. However, it is clear that the majority that will be achieved in Parliament will not be a decisive majority, with sufficient margin to be able to take some decisions that may be less popular, but in favor of Romania in the long term, ”says Cristian Tudor Popescu.

The GOLD formula: nationalism, ultra-conservatism, some scandal and an activated electorate


The GOLD formula: nationalism, ultra-conservatism, some scandal and an activated electorate

And there is another parameter, the distance between PNL and USR. If it is duplicated, then it is the premise of a negotiation that can be effective for a ruling alliance. If the two of you get too close, then USR is a very difficult negotiating partner. They are arrogant, they are going to have very high pretensions and it is possible that they do not understand each other “, also declared CTP in Adriana Nedelea’s program.

NLP was the wrong strategy. If in September they took their hearts between their teeth and made a confinement, total quarantine in the country, as in spring, a month, now we would not have these figures that make us tremble, we would not have deaths and infections every day and we would have the population he would have had time to heal from fear until the elections.


Results OUTPUT SURVEY Parliamentary COURSE 2020-Avant-garde

The Chamber of Deputies:

  • PSD – 30.5%
  • NLP – 29%
  • USR-PLUS – 16%
  • UDMR – 5.7%
  • GOLD – 5.2%
  • Pro Romania – 5%
  • PMP – 5%


  • PSD – 30.6%
  • NLP – 29.10%
  • USR-PLUS – 16.4%
  • UDMR – 5.7%
  • Pro Romania – 5%
  • PMP – 5%
EXIT POLL Parliamentary elections 2020. PSD - 30.5%, PNL - 29% and USR Plus - 16%.  The big surprise, AUR would cross the electoral threshold


EXIT POLL Parliamentary elections 2020. PSD – 30.5%, PNL – 29% and USR Plus – 16%. The big surprise, AUR would cross the electoral threshold

The lowest turnout in parliamentary elections in the last 28 years

On Sunday, December 6, 2020, at 9:00 p.m., AEP announced that the participation was 31.84%. It is the weakest presence in parliamentary elections since the Revolution.

Specifically, 5,793,135 people voted in the elections for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

How do you see the figures for parliamentary participation after the 1989 Revolution?

  • 1992 – 76.29%
  • 1996 – 76.01%
  • 2000 – 65.31%
  • 2004 – 58.51%
  • 2008 – 39.20%
  • 2012 – 41.76%
  • 2016 – 39.39%

Read also:

The weakest turnout in post-revolutionary parliamentary elections

EXIT POLL Parliamentary elections 2020. PSD – 30.5%, PNL – 29% and USR Plus – 15.9%. The big surprise, AUR would cross the electoral threshold

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