VIDEO National Vaccination Strategy, presented on Friday. General principles related to COVID-19 vaccination in Romania


Vaccination against COVID-19 in Romania will be implemented through the mechanism established by the European Commission and in accordance with existing legislation and medical protocols, in accordance with the National Vaccination Strategy in force on Thursday night, when it was published in the Romanian Official Gazette.

VIDEO presentation of the Vaccination Strategy against SARS-CoV-2

COVID-19 vaccination strategy in Romania

To achieve its purpose and objectives, vaccination against COVID-19 in Romania will be free and voluntary and will follow the vaccination stages, strictly taking into account the priority groups.

The implementation will be the responsibility of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of the Interior and the STS.

The local structures with responsibilities for ensuring the proper functioning of the vaccination campaign against COVID-19 are the Prefect’s Institution, the Regional Center for Intervention Coordination and Management, the Public Health Directorate, Territorial Administrative Units: region, municipality, city and commune, other institutions and organizations Government and non-governmental, public and private medical service providers for the performance of the tasks assigned to the authorities of the local public administration.

The government will allocate financial resources from the state budget within the limits of the budgetary provisions for this purpose.

According to the National Vaccination Strategy, the monitoring of the level of vaccine coverage, safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine is carried out through the electronic platform.

Basically, a module dedicated to vaccination against COVID-19 will be developed within the National Electronic Vaccination Registry that will constitute the electronic database on vaccination.

This registry will comply with the legal provisions regarding the protection of personal data.

Likewise, each person will receive proof of vaccination from the Registry in which the essential data will be specified, respectively the identity data of the vaccinated, the stage of vaccination, the type of vaccine, the batch and the series, the date of vaccination, the date withdrawal, as appropriate.

At the same time, each vaccinated person will receive information on vaccination and behavior in the event of post-vaccination adverse reactions.

In stage 1 vaccination, the following people will be immunized:

  • social and health workers;
  • public and private system: hospital staff and outpatient units, respectively medical staff, auxiliary staff, administrative staff in security and safety and other categories;
  • the personnel of the emergency medicine system, ambulance, SMURD, IGSU, IJSU, guard rooms, CPU and UPU;
  • primary care personnel from the network of family medicine, school medicine and community care;
  • pharmacy laboratory personnel and other healthcare workers;
  • dental staff;
  • resident doctors, students and students with a medical profile, paramedics and other volunteers who work in health facilities
  • care personnel who carry out their activity in residential and medico-social centers, personnel who provide medical and social care at home, personnel from public health services, specifically the National Institute of Public Health, Health Directorates Public;
  • the personnel of the health units of the ministries with their own health network;
  • personnel of the dialysis and transfusion centers;
  • personnel involved in carrying out vaccination campaigns.

The second stage includes the respective population at risk:

  • adults over 65;
  • people registered with chronic diseases regardless of age, according to the indications of the vaccines used;
  • workers who carry out their activity in key areas, respectively key personnel for the operation of state institutions, respectively Parliament, Presidency, Government, ministries and institutions subordinate to them;
  • personnel from the field of defense, public order, national security and the judiciary;
  • personnel of the vital economic sector who have responsibilities in the processing of the distribution and commercialization of basic foods. Here are the following categories:
  • bakery dairy products, fruits and vegetables;
  • water plants, water transport and distribution treatment;
  • power plants, electricity transmission and distribution production;
  • gas transmission and distribution production units;
  • production units for the transport and distribution of liquid and solid fuels;
  • units for the production of transport and distribution of medicines and medical supplies;
  • transportation of people and goods;
  • railway nodes;
  • civil and military airports essential communications ports, namely, special national telecommunications, radio and television services;
  • school and daycare staff;
  • postal staff of courier services;
  • the personnel of religious cults;
  • media personnel who perform activities with an increased risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 infection, such as reporting to medical facilities;
  • sanitation and waste personnel.

In the third stage the general population is vaccinated:

This category includes the adult population and the pediatric population according to the epidemiological evolution and the characteristics of the vaccines approved for use in children under 18 years of age.

The population will be categorized at various levels: personnel from the health field, the social sphere and essential services, critical infrastructure, who will benefit from vaccination in the workplace and / or in centers will be categorized. vaccination.

For the later phases, the population at risk and the population in general will be categorized from the family medicine network and / or local authorities and will be prioritized for vaccination according to the associated health risks and according to the expression of consent, in accordance with the National Vaccination Strategy. in force.

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