Early next year, the first installment of a million doses of vaccine. Vaccination is voluntary, safe and effective


Klaus Iohannis visited this Thursday, after the CSAT meeting in which the national vaccination strategy was approved, the center organized in Romexpo, where Romanians will be immunized against the Sars-Cov-2 virus. The president declared, at the end of the visit, that it is possible that the first tranche of one million doses of vaccine will arrive in Romania early next year.

The main statements of President Klaus Iohannis:

“Today the vaccination strategy against the new coronavirus was approved, a vaccination campaign that will last at least a few months. I wanted it to be a very well prepared campaign and the strategy is very well worked out.

This strategy provides the steps to be taken and many details about vaccination. All these things will be presented in detail tomorrow, in the Government.

In the coming weeks and months we will have permanent information for the general public and for the specialized public.

Very briefly about vaccination, I can tell you right now that it is quite possible that early next year Romania will already benefit from the first tranche of vaccine with a number of about one million doses. In the first section, all medical personnel and people in risk groups will be vaccinated.

Vaccination is voluntary, safe and effective. Vaccination is planned. It is very important to know that these types of vaccines that are being approved are safe and effective.

The vaccination team has already reviewed the hospital units. The intention to vaccinate is very high.

Already more than 80% of people in the medical area want to be vaccinated.

We may finish this first vaccination campaign for the summer.

I just visited a vaccination center. To allow the vaccination of a large number of people, a few million in a few months, the intention is to open some of these centers.

What is here is a pilot project. This is how the vaccination centers will be.

There is an electronic registry where all vaccines will be recorded, a confidential electronic registry.

The specificity of the vaccine is that it requires administration in two installments.

We are well prepared. We are waiting for the vaccines and I can tell you that I am personally very satisfied with the work done by the Ministry of Health.

I can’t wait for the vaccine to arrive, finish this campaign and start rebuilding.

Let’s restart the economy and get back to normal, ”said the president.

The national vaccination strategy was adopted at the CSAT meeting on Thursday. It was developed by the National Committee for the Coordination of Vaccination Activities against SARS-CoV-2, an inter-ministerial body under the direct reporting of the General Secretariat of Government and the coordination of the Prime Minister.

The document establishes the vision, principles and mode of action for the administration in Romania of anti-COVID-19 vaccines authorized by the European Medicines Agency and is based on both the analysis of the situation at national and European level of the spread of SARS -CoV-2, and analysis of the situation of severe cases and mortality generated by COVID-19, respectively.

Publisher: RK
