Judge Gabriela Baltag, attack on Iohannis in the plenary session of the SCM. Incredible moment


The process of repairing the justice laws has started, but the process has not been completed because the parliamentary majority is hostile to the actual reforms of the judiciary, Klaus Iohannis said at the SCM meeting on Thursday. Judge Gabriela Baltag also had an intervention.

“Unfortunately, your habit of doing politics in the Superior Council of the Magistracy is evident. I would like to see a directed request that comes from me and not just from me, from many magistrates in this country. I ask you, perhaps at least at the end of our term, you will not bring division in this institution. We are sufficiently divided. And because I know that you are a Christian, I see you often on television, on Sundays, you also know that at the end of life we ​​are not asked or not realized how much we hate, but how much we love and forgive, Mr. President. This is very important.

If you are still our guest, I would like us not to let this day go by without telling our colleagues and the society you are addressing how it relates to the possibility of being again guarded by the intelligence services, regardless of your name. You know you said that you will not agree with this, but let’s not forget that in September you gave an ex on this subject and I do not explain if there will be an editorial decision regarding your vision in October. I would be happy if I could find the answer to this problem, myself and those who are concerned about the possibility of involving the secret services in the act of justice ”, said Gabriela Baltag.

According to Iohannis, legislation in the field of justice should be the result of broad debates in the next Parliament, “with another majority, built around political forces deeply attached to democratic values.”
