The EC can recommend sanitary measures, cannot decide on Christmas services


The European Commission can make recommendations to encourage people to protect themselves in a healthy way during the holidays, and these recommendations cannot lead to the online transfer of Christmas services, says the Romanian Patriarchate, commenting on the information made public by Corriere della It will be, but not confirmed by Brussels.

“The European Commission does not decide and cannot impose anything in the essential sphere of religion, it can only issue recommendations (!) Related to the promotion and intensification of the protection of the new coronavirus in social life during the holidays. These recommendations (!) In themselves cannot lead to discretion. when canceling or transferring Christmas services online and no one honest or anchored in deep social reality can want or impose this.The churches themselves (composed of the majority of the people who make up Romanian society and not only) are fully aware of the situation current extremely difficult and important charitable participation in supporting the authorities, with whom they have been and will remain constantly in the fight against the pandemic ”, transmitted the Patriarchate, through the spokesman Vasile Bănescu.

According to the cited source, in churches religious services can be held in conditions of “real security”, and services “constantly advocate the observance of sanitary norms in relation to which we are always assured that, being respected, they are also efficient “.

“Those who do not conspicuously respect them, thus ignoring their neighbor and defying the enormous efforts of the medical staff, commit themselves morally and may be legally warned / sanctioned.

Public responsibility and the perception of the health of the other as a personal matter of a spiritual nature are things that, especially in the current context, honor the most. They should be assumed by practically everyone who knows their condition as a Christian ”, according to the cited source.

The European Commission would recommend replacing face-to-face Christmas liturgies with “online or televised initiatives,” and the recommendations would be part of a draft to be published on Wednesday, Corriere della Sera wrote.

Publisher: Georgiana Marina
