Vela’s Assistant, FIRST REACTION after being DECORATED by Klaus Iohannis: She doesn’t even have a college degree – Source News


Gabriela Cenușă Sîia, assistant to Interior Minister Marcel Vela, claims that she was unable to finish university because she was forced to work. He mentions that he did not know about this medal offered by Klaus Iohannis until Friday, when Minister Vela announced it.

“Now that the ink of the poisonous and hateful texts of some has dried, I will also calmly and decently express my opinion on how some or others understand to portray a man.

I have understood for a long time that we live in a country where you are blamed for everything you do. I am part of the generation born in 1992, a generation that can believe more than any other in change and new times.

Romania teaches you that you are never smart enough, beautiful, skilled, decent, NOTHING, because … the enlightened entity always shows up and explains how small and stupid you are.

This is what we take with us from school and then it follows us throughout our lives.

I’m curious how many careers were lost because some tried to please others or because they are embarrassed to raise their hands, just becoming a voice, no matter the social category, no matter the job, no matter ANYTHING.

What has divided us so much as a nation? When did we get to look at each other with such hatred? When did we lose hope of improving? When did we lose hope of being able to achieve something, regardless of the social category to which we belong?

When did the political scene show us that only those with dubious qualities can triumph in the light?


Now I will write my story. Because that’s all I had left in my defense.

I was born in the city of Vaslui. Yes, that city that many people laugh at. I never hid that, because I really love Romania, no matter where the map hangs.

I write this text thinking of my grandparents and my parents who have made enormous sacrifices to be more than decent adults and who do not deserve to read and see so much damage.

I lived the drama of the child with the parents who went to the diaspora, and not one year two… many years.

Hard years, overwhelmed by longing, with a grandmother trying to take his place, both they and their grandfather, because he, too, worked across the border.

The years of my childhood were very distant with them and with the thought that soon we will be together. I was … but not so soon, but when my childhood was already lost.

I attended school and high school in Vaslui.

With an educational system in bad shape, but with a wonderful high school teacher who enlightened my mind and my path. A man who believed in me and guided me, because yes, in life, NOTHING can exist without mentors.

I came to Bucharest to attend the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Bucharest.

A university that I couldn’t finish because I had to work, three jobs a day, to pay for my life in Bucharest.

And yes, one of them was promoting a brand of detergent in a hypermarket.

I understood that my eyebrow was raised when I said that I was passionately selling detergent at the age of 19.

Yes! I sold with passion. But do you know why?

Because I spent many hours between the shelves, so many hours that at night when my husband took me out of work, I could barely feel my feet.

And why with passion?

Because I was hoping someone would appreciate my effort and could get a job where at least the lunch breaks weren’t in the hallways, in the cold, and in a rush.

That’s how it went …

Someone offered me an internship at a bank, and then I only worked in the private sector for many years.

And only in multinationals.

I worked hard, hard, with sacrifices and always with dedication and faith, with the support of a man who was by my side and who was my mentor, my husband.

Together we build and together we are a team, in a rented apartment because we started from scratch and we still have a lot to do.

What do you recommend for the 3rd grade medal of merit?

I can only say that I did not know about this medal until Friday when the Minister congratulated me.

Maybe he doesn’t deserve it or maybe he deserves it… maybe that’s what he thought. This medal was one of the 79 distinctions awarded today at the Cotroceni Palace for the personnel of the Ministry of the Interior. Another 31 colleagues from the Ministry of the Interior were also promoted, at the proposal of the Minister of the Interior.

I worked for 6 months in an environment that was and is more than a challenge, an environment where I hit a lot of dust and above all a lot of resistance.

But at the same time I met wonderful people with whom I did actions that I would never have imagined and for whom there were no hours or hours of delay.

I was in the Department of Information and Public Relations.

A different direction!

Together with the team here and my colleague, we try to outline actions that bring hope in these more than sad times.

The plasma donation campaign, awareness and promotion campaigns for colleagues in the territory and many others carried out only internally and only with our ideas.

In addition to the campaigns listed, the project in which I put a lot of soul with my colleague and the entire leadership is the Animal Police! A project that makes everyone happy and makes us hope for a better world!

I fulfilled my duty, with passion and love for my country, from the position of adviser to that of minister who directed the institution in one of the most difficult periods in its history after December.

What if! I would at any time share the merits and this distinction with all those brave people who were with me, but also with the professionals that I met here at MIA!

And Minister Ion Marcel Vela is more than a mentor, he is the man who believes most in the future and who offered me the opportunity to be with him.

And if Romania stopped today instead of this medal, I will make it the element of connection with all the young people who feel that they have no chance!

And I felt so many times through the tears that I didn’t.

What a pity that any achievement of a woman reminds him of the fact that she was an easy woman.


We believe in ourselves and in the Romania of tomorrow! It is time to change more than ever.

I wish that someday, the good people here will gain a voice and confidence in their own strength! Let’s love each other more and hate each other less!


As you like to say:

There is no success without a successor!

Happy birthday Romania! I love you with all my heart!

Help us God!

PS I assure those of the system that this distinction could not be received by a cadre of the Ministry of the Interior or MAPN, because it is only a simple decoration of merit for civilians, for the work carried out during the pandemic ”, said Gabriela Cenușă Sîia. your Facebook page.
