From workers in Italy to factory owners in Romania. I produce components for Audi, BMW and Volkswagen


The history of the Măncilă family is an example of self-education, perseverance and entrepreneurship. Daniela and Mihăiţă Măncilă left for Italy when they were both practically girls.

They worked in a factory for the assembly of electrical and electronic components for cars in Reggiano, and after 12 years they returned to Romania in 2007 and opened their own business in the commune of Pechea, the town where Mihăiţă Măncilă comes from, being Daniela from Maramureş.

They started with four employees, and in 2009 they already had 80 employees, so now 186 employees work at the Pechea factory. Pechea workers make some of the electric motors used for windshield wipers, seats, water pumps, and more recently roof racks.

After being assembled, the components are shipped to Italy, where the casing and rotor are added, the final check is performed, and then shipped to Germany. Subsequently, these car sets are used in a proportion of 90% for Audi, and the rest for BMW, Volkswagen and Range Rover.

95% of employees are women

To give you an idea, one of the latest Audi A8 models has between 90 and 120 electric motors.

“In meetings with our employees, they ask us where so many millions of motorcycles go. I explain to them where these components end up and I assure them that these jobs are stable, in the long run, because people want to know if something is serious. They make loans for several years and they want to know if they have secured jobs, ”says Daniela Măncilă.

The minimum wage at the Pechea factory is 1,600 lei, to which are added food vouchers, and the maximum is 3,500 lei, to which are added bonuses for holidays. 95% of the employees at the Pechea auto parts factory are women.

A business of 2 million euros

The spectacular growth of the business is the result of the seriousness and involvement of the Măncilă couple. For three years, they started their workday at 5 in the morning and finished it at 11 at night. Thus, the turnover went from 700,000 euros in 2009 to 2,000,000 euros today.

“In 2012 we opened a new office in Pechea. Due to the quality of our products and punctuality, orders have increased a lot,” says Daniela Măncilă, who is also the administrator of the company. Meanwhile, her husband became mayor He decided to take this route because the people of the commune asked him to run to lead the entire community, but also because he found it difficult to develop his own business locally.

Quality before anything else

To increase productivity and maintain product quality, the Măncilă couple imposed some simple but extremely effective rules. “It is not allowed with the phone to the ear. We work online. There are between 6 and 12 people on the production line. If someone were to talk on the phone, it would block the entire production line. We are understanding. If you have a family emergency or have a sick child at home, you can take the phone with you. You don’t speak either. If you speak, you are not paying attention to the operation you are performing. You do quantity in vain, if you don’t have quality, “says Daniela Măncilă.

The Pechea factory produces between 350,000 and 400,000 electric scooters per week, which means 17 million components of this type per year, reducing non-working days. In the future, the Măncilă family will start a collaboration with a Luxembourg company, this time to carry out wiring also for the automotive sector.

“If they are serious, they will surely succeed in business”

Since December 1, the Măncilă couple has received a message for Romanians who have worked abroad and decided to return home, but also for those who plan to do so in the near future.

“It is difficult now to send a message of encouragement, given the period we are going through. Many people say that you are not respected in Romania. Is not true. You will never be seen outside as a citizen of the country you went to. However, if they have learned a trade well and have a reserved financial reserve, they can apply what they have learned abroad to us at home, and if they are serious, they will surely be successful in business, as we have. I encourage everyone who wants to return to the country, ”says Daniela Măncilă.

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