The biggest embarrassment for Alex Bodi. He admitted that he dresses as friends


Alex Bodi’s lawyer, Cătălin Dancu, held a press conference on Monday in which he tried to contradict the accusations made by prosecutors with documents. It is also a valuable watch, which was taken from the businessman’s house during searches.

One of the revelations of the lawyer Dancu is that this watch, valued at 50,000 euros, would not belong to Alex Bodi, but to a business partner of his. “DIICOT prosecutors have monitored the records for 50,000 euros, but it’s not even yours. Actually, it is proven with physical acquisition documents, by a business partner of Alexandru Bodi. So that watch belongs to a person who has nothing to do with this criminal case. Now the man wants his watch back“Said lawyer Cătălin Dancu, quoted by cancan.

Asked if the watchmaker is the object of the DIICOT criminal investigation, the lawyer explained that he was an associate, against whom it was not stated in the file that he belonged to the group dismantled by the organized crime prosecutors.

Bodi, in preventive detention for 30 days

Alex Bodi, Bianca Dragusanu’s ex-husband, was detained for 30 days by the Dolj court. The decision is not final, but is enforceable and can be appealed to the Craiova Court of Appeal. Along with the controversial businessman, another 7 people were arrested.

Bodi was arrested by DIICOT Craiova prosecutors for the creation of an organized criminal group, human trafficking and blackmail, in a case in which several thieves are accused of recruiting young women for prostitution through the method ‘ loverboy ‘.

According to some judicial sources, Alex Bodi recruited several young women whom he forced into prostitution, and he was also charged with a crime of blackmail. He was arrested on November 12 in a large open case for human trafficking and pimping. Along with Bodi, 7 other people were arrested. PDIICOT Craiova investigators, together with judicial police officers, carried out 23 house searches in Ilfov, Braşov, Dolj, Gorj, Giurgiu, Olt, Sibiu and Vâlcea counties.
