IPS Teodosie lawyer, on the pilgrimage to San Andrés: And if she had stopped us, we would have taken her to the field and arrived / IPS Teodosie, on the possible loss of human life among the pilgrims: Going to God – Essential


The religious ceremonies in the Cave of San Andrés in the town of Ion Corvin in Constanta are carried out with restrictions for believers who do not have their domicile in the town, there are police filters that detain drivers. Diana Şoşoacă Iovanovici, a lawyer for IPS Teodosie, also came to the service, again claiming that the right to participate in the celebration cannot be restricted, and if they had not let her pass, she would have taken her to the field and everything would have worked. We remind you that His Eminence Theodosius also tried in court to annul the decision of the authorities to restrict the pilgrimage. When asked on local television if the loss of a human life to a possible coronavirus infection on a pilgrimage would be too high a price to pay for the religious event, His Eminence Theodosius replied, “No, who is coming to this party? there is time to leave this life, go to God ”.

More than 130 gendarmes and police mobilized Monday in the area of ​​the monastery “Cueva de San Andrés Apóstol” in the commune of Ion Corvin, and only locals can participate in religious ceremonies. The cave of the Holy Apostle Andrew, being searched by the police and gendarmes, writes News.ro.

IPS Teodosie: We are waiting for more believers to come, we saw that it is goodwill because they are all Romanians

The Archbishop of Tomis said, before the start of the religious ceremony in the Cave of San Andrés Apóstol, that he expects as many believers as possible at this ceremony.

“We are waiting for more believers to come. I saw that it is good will because they are all Romanians, being Romanians they cannot be against Romanians, being Orthodox Christians they cannot be against their brothers,” reported IPS Teodosie, quoted by News.ro.

He sent those who could not make it to the Cave of Saint Andrew the Apostle to follow the ceremony on the Archdiocese’s Facebook page.

Teodosio’s lawyer: And if she had stopped us, we would have taken her to the field and we would have reached San Andrés.

Diana Şoşoacă Iovanovici, an IPS Teodosie lawyer, also came to the religious ceremonies, stating that if she had not been allowed to pass, she would have taken her to the camp.

  • “It is a right that cannot be restricted in any way, in any situation. A right by which, even if he had detained us, we would take it in the field and arrive in San Andrés,” said the lawyer, according to a[ri publicate de Adevărul.

La remarca unui jurnalist, că este pandemie, avocata a spus, revoltată: “Nu există aşa ceva! Duceţi-vă la Tătaru să vă spună de ce nu a decretat epidemie pe teritoriul României. (…) E totul o mascaradă“.

Reamintim că Arhiepiscopia Tomisului a cerut la Tribunalul Constanţa anularea unei decizii a Comitetului Judeţean pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă Constanţa prin care se interzice ca la pelerinaje să participe alte persoane în afara celor care au domiciliul în localitatea unde se desfășoară. Solicitarea a fost respinsă de instanță. Joi, Teodosie a trimis o circulară prin care îi chema pe toți preoții din Eparhia Tomisului, personalul clerical și monahal, să meargă la Peștera Sf Andrei ca ”să săvârșească în sobor Sfânta Liturghie”.

IPS Teodosie i-a scris premierului că nu va îngădui ca dreptul de a-l cinsti pe Sfântul Andrei să fie călcat în picioare: “Ce veți face? Ne veți bate, amenda, aresta și executa?”. Teodosie a amintit și de revoluția din 1989: “Nu subestimați dorința oamenilor de a striga în stradă”.

Oprit, duminică dimineața, de filtrul de poliție de la intrarea în localitatea Ion Corvin, unde este Peștera Sfântului Andrei, IPS Teodosie spunea că îi așteaptă pe români “cu inimă bună” la ceremonii. Mai mult, el a invitat și autoritățile statului, de la președinte, premier, până la autorități locale, să ia parte la sărbătoare. Prefectul Constanței l-a refuzat pe IPS Teodosie, spunând că nu are domiciliu în comuna Ion Corvin și dacă ar participa ar încălca regulile în privința carantinei instituite în Constanța.

IPS Teodosie, despre posibile pierderi de vieți omenești în rândul pelerinilor: Pleacă la Dumnezeu

IPS Teodosie a declarat într-o emisiune la Constanța TV că dacă unii credincioși se vor infecta cu coronavirus la pelerinaj și vor muri, ei “pleacă la Dumnezeu”.

When asked by the moderator if the loss of a single human life due to a possible coronavirus infection on the pilgrimage would be too high a price to pay for the religious event, His Eminence Theodosius replied:

  • “No, whoever comes to this party, and there is time to leave this life, goes to God. But he came to the party. He came thirsty with his soul for God. We do not call them by force, we invite them.
  • It is the word of the Savior. Who wants, come. The Church house can never be replaced. The Church is the Church and our home is our home.
  • Our duty to come to what has baptized us is for absolutely everyone. I am doing my duty as a pastor. It is my duty to call everyone to this holy place. Therefore, I will make a public invitation, including to the President of Romania, the Prime Minister, the ministers, but also the parliamentarians. He who believes, let him come. “
