The president of the Academy intervenes in the SCANDAL between authorities and faithful: ‘The unity of the Romanians was made through the people led by’ priests with the cross in hand ‘- News from sources


Ioan-Aurel Pop, president of the Romanian Academy, intervenes in the latest scandal caused by the authorities, who have decided to ban religious pilgrimages and restrict the fundamental right to religious freedom. The academic Pop recalls that “the unity of the Romanians was made by the people headed by” priests with the cross in hand “, like the Revolution of December 1989” and affirms that the decision is not accidental like the feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle , Protector of Romania, which takes place on November 30, followed by Romania’s National Day.

“It is time to realize that we must remain true to our values, especially language and faith,” adds Professor Ioan-Aurel Pop, who points out that it is time, after so much hatred and blasphemy, to sing a hymn of glory to all Romanians. “.

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The obvious connection in the calendar between Saint Andrew the Apostle Day and the National Day of Romania and Romanians is not accidental, but a fulfillment of heavenly providence. Romanian national identity cannot be imagined or defined outside of language and faith. The unity of the Romanians was made by the people headed by “priests with the cross in hand”, like the Revolution of December 1989, when the waves of Romanians reached the city centers with flags on their heads. Our life is our faith, which led us to the great act of national will of 1918, when, on December 1, we received our souls from the “evil one” and sang an “ode to joy.” It is time to realize that staying true to our values, especially language and faith, classical Greek-Latin heritage and Christianity, means always staying ourselves, that is, Romanians, in our house called Romania (temporarily separated of one of its generous rooms, viz. Moldavia between Prut and Dniester). It is time, after so much hatred and blasphemy, to sing a hymn of glory to all Romanians.

Happy birthday, Romanians! ”, Is the message of the academic Ioan-Aurel Pop.

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The authorities decided to prohibit the participation of the faithful in the pilgrimage of Saint Andrew, from the commune of Ion Corvin in Constanza.
