They want to give us the worst blow. Increase by 80%. Since when does the decision apply?


Drivers take the final blow in terms of “money.” From now on, RCA insurance could be almost 50% more expensive for a category of drivers.

The Financial Supervisory Authority has launched for public consultation a project to complement ASF Standard No. 20/2017 on automobile insurance in Romania.

Thus, among other changes, it is proposed to increase the penalties for drivers who cause accidents resulting in personal injury or death, who will pay up to 40% more for RCA next year.

What does the law say now about changing the MTPL in the event of an accident?

Currently, article 32 of ASF 20/2017 establishes that, in case of damages, drivers are sanctioned with two classes of penalties (20%) and the corresponding increase in the insurance premium for each incident for which they have been paid. an indemnification.

In this article, the project subject to public consultation differentiates the sanction according to the type of incidence, reaching up to 4 classes of penalties (40%):

– two classes for each event that only resulted in material damage;

– four classes for each event that results in damage to the health and physical integrity or death of one or more people

How will the Bonus-Malus system work in the MTPL insurance market from now on?

The Bonus-Malus system consists of the basic category B0, 8 bonus classes and 8 penalty classes. Class B0 is assigned to a new insured with no record.

The reference period is the calendar year prior to the effective date of the MTPL contract.

Each class of bonus brings a new percentage of reduction of the paid fee, up to 50%: B1 – 5%, B2 – 10%, B3 – 15%, B4 – 20%, B5 – 25%, B6 – 30%, B7 – 40% and B8 – 50%.

The malus classes increase the fare by up to 80%: M1 – 10%, M2 – 20%, M3 – 30%, M4 – 40%, M5 – 50%, M6 – 60%, M7 – 70%, M8 – 80 %.

The reduction or increase established according to the bonus-malus system applies to the rates applied by the MTPL insurer.

The bonus class is maintained for the period of the calendar year in which the MTPL contract is concluded regardless of the insured period.
