Top counties after new COVID-19 case report: Bucharest again has more than 1,100 cases in the last day / Constanța has almost 600, and Cluj, Ilfov and Iași have more than 400 – Coronavirus


No fewer than 25 counties, more than half of the total, have reported more than 100 cases of COVID-19 illness in the past 24 hours. By far the largest number are still in the capital, with more than 1,100 new cases reported. Second, separately, appears Constanța with 573 cases. The summit is completed by Ilfov (418), Iași (409) and Cluj (402).

County / Number of confirmed cases (total) / Number of new confirmed cases / Incidence recorded at 14 days

Bucharest. / 66131/1159 / 6.61

Constanța / 16700/573 / 7.54

Ilfov / 14991/418 / 3.91
Iasi / 19663/409 / 3.26
Cluj / 21356/402 / 6.51

Argeș / 13288/304 / 4.78

Timiș / 18783/278 / 4.92
Galați / 10125/275 / 3.21
Prahova / 18766/262 / 4.25
Sibiu / 13753/252 / 7.37
Brăila / 5548/222 / 3.29

Dolj / 11905/198 / 2.99
Arad / 11066/193 / 5.33
Brasov / 18618/169 / 6.44
Mureș / 11875/168 / 4.01
Dâmbovița / 11221/167 / 3.58
Bacău / 12801/166 / 2.78
Tulcea / 3591/160 / 4.22
Botoșani / 6018/159 / 2.58
Bihor / 13787/153 / 4.59
Olt / 7166/142 / 1.75
Alba / 9783/121 / 5.35
Hunedoara / 8660/114 / 3.84
Suceava / 13012/109 / 2.12
Maramureș / 8454/104 / 2.8

Vaslui / 7591/97 / 2.24
Calarasi / 4206/95 / 3.28
Vâlcea / 7846/94 / 2.88
Teleorman / 5508/93 / 2.65
Caraș-Severin / 4734/91 / 2.92
Buzau / 6431/77 / 2.42
Satu Mare / 5412/71 / 4.37
Neamț / 9229/69 / 2.11
Giurgiu / 4003/66 / 2.76
Ialomița / 4497/66 / 3.65
Gorj / 4290/59 / 1.43
Mehedinti / 3904/55 / ​​3.04
Bistrița-Năsăud / 5737/51 / 3.56

Covasna / 4110/49 / 3.05
Vrancea / 5316/48 / 1.67
Harghita / 4624/43 / 1.52
Sălaj / 5484/43 / 3.49

New cases not assigned by counties / 5999 * / 290

TOTAL / 465,982 / 8,134

* Regarding the “new cases not assigned by regions”, we specify that their number is determined by the changes introduced in the electronic platform through which the results of the tests for the new coronavirus are reported and centralized. Thus, according to the new methodology, the test centers directly enter the results of the tests carried out, and the epidemiological investigation will be carried out at the level of the Public Health Directorates and positive cases will be assigned to the region / locality to which the infected people.
