UPDATE Subway congestion after traffic on the M1 and M3 motorways capsized due to a broken railway / Traffic resumed – Essential


Subway traffic was disrupted Monday afternoon on Highway 1 after a rail broke between Mihai Bravu and Dristori 1 stations. Traffic was rough, on a pendulum system, as Metrorex crews tried to fix the problem.

UPDATE 21:30 As of 20:35, the reintroduction of subways began on the normal route on Roads 1 and 3 (Metrorex)

“Metrorex reports that today, 11/23/2020, train traffic on highways 1 and 3 is difficult with the failure of a railway between Mihai Bravu and Dristor 1 metro stations,” according to a press release.

To streamline traffic and continue travel, traffic was reorganized on line 2 between Mihai Bravu and Nicolae Grigorescu 1 stations, the succession interval was approximately 8 minutes.

“Metrorex teams are intervening to remedy the failure. We specify that announcements are made at the stations about the reorganization of traffic. We also mention that the safety of the passengers was not in danger at any time ”, also transmits Metrorex.

Meanwhile, crowds have already formed at various police stations and the police are stepping in to direct people.
