Marcel Ciolacu: I will resign from Parliament on the last day of my mandate in order not to benefit from a special pension – Politics


PSD president Marcel Ciolacu announced on Facebook on Monday that he will resign from Parliament on the last day of his term in order not to benefit from the special pension granted to parliamentarians who have full seats. Along with the leader of the PSD, the leader of the group, Alfred Simonis, also announced his resignation from the Chamber of Deputies. It should be noted that PSD promoted in Parliament the introduction of special pensions for different categories of employees and dignitaries.

“The more you contribute, the more you receive; it is the only correct principle that should underlie the pension. I will resign from Parliament on the last day of my term in order not to benefit from a special pension! I did the same four years ago, I will do it now.

The law says that special pensions are granted only to those who have at least a full parliamentary term.

In my tenure, #PSD has taken a clear direction on this great injustice towards millions of contributory pensioners. We initiated and voted on the law whereby all special pensions that exceed 7 thousand lei are taxed at 85%. It is not enough, but it is the only constitutional option at this time.

I want us to bring down everyone who has perched on the financial Everest of special pensions. This year, the Orban government once again missed a good opportunity, when it refused to issue an # Emergency Ordinance for the # elimination of Special Pensions, a normative act that would have been applied immediately. A good billions of lei saved in this way would have been much more useful for #Health in the fight against the pandemic or to prepare schools so that students can continue their educational process !! ”Wrote the president of the PSD on his Facebook page.

Following the announcement made by Ciolacu and the leader of the PSD deputies Alfred Simonis, he wrote on Facebook that he will resign on the last day of his term in order not to benefit from a special pension.

“I do not want a special pension! The pension must be the result of contributions, not of any position. Therefore, I will resign from Parliament on the last day of my mandate, never to receive a special pension! According to the law, pensions Specials are granted only if MPs have at least a full term. I will not collect money that does not belong to me, “Simonis writes on his social media page.

The approach of the social democracies appears in the middle of the electoral campaign and after years of PSD promoted, supported and extended the privileges of special pensions granted to different professional categories.

The PSD promoted through the Victor Ponta Government and supported in Parliament by the PNL through the paragraph of the USL the Privilege of special pensions and even added some new categories. Thus, the first special law was for military pensions in 2015, a law initiated by Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea (Government of Ponta) and which was approved without problems by Parliament.

The law stipulated that 65% of the level of military balances and bonuses obtained in the last five months should become the basis for calculating the pension. In Parliament the law was amended and industry increases, including the allowance of food or uniforms, and retirement ages were lowered.

The privileges continued and, in 2017, after the PSD won the elections, the Government led by Mihai Tudose issued Ordinance 59/2017 which established that all special pensions, not just military ones, would be indexed annually, depending on inflation, and if inflation falls, they should remain unchanged. GEO dedicated itself to the secret services within MAPN, MAI and SRI and gave the green light for retirement and 40 years of the military, officers and generals of these institutions.
