CHAOS of the first week of quarantine in Sibiu: 2,000 infected and 50 dead in the president’s city – News from the sources


Sibiu has about the same infection rate as a week ago, when it was quarantined, and the number of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 has exceeded 12,000, almost 2,000 more than on November 16. The death toll is 348, compared to 294 in quarantine, according to Mediafax.

A week after going into quarantine, Sibiu still ranks first among counties with the highest infection rate in 12 days. From 9 to 1,000 on November 16, it dropped to 8.64 on November 23, a week after the quarantine of Sibiu, the cities of Cisnadie and Talmaciu and the town of Selimbar.

The large number of people confirmed with SARS-CoV-2 remained high, reaching 12,600 people on Monday, up from 10,580 on November 16.

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And the death toll has increased. If there were 294 deaths at the entrance of the quarantine, on November 23 the figure reached 348.

In the quarantine week a new container for the storage of people who died from COVID-19 arrived in Sibiu, because the places in the Moga County Hospital were running out day by day, this new container was equipped with a cooling facility. Currently, the capacity in Morga is 30 seats, for people confirmed with the new coronavirus.

The quarantine week also meant administrative decisions. The director of the Regional Emergency Hospital, Liliana Coldea, barely agreed to resign, at the repeated request of Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan. In his place, a team of military doctors was appointed, led by Colonel Constantin Vlase, until last Friday, medical director of the Galati Military Emergency Hospital. The Sibiu Public Health Directorate also has military leadership, here the acting director being the medical director of the Sibiu Military Emergency Hospital, Colonel Daniel Chelcea.

Since Monday, November 23, three other towns: the municipality of Mediaș, the city of Avrig and the town of Orlat are under quarantine. Here the restrictions are the same as in Sibiu, but the specific thing is that on voting day, December 6, residents can leave their homes to vote for parliamentarians.
