The Covid vaccine, face to face with conspiracy theories. The three things that must be communicated to combat the reluctance of people


Three anti-COVID vaccines are now in the third phase of testing, but in some hospitals more than half of the staff are reluctant and refuse vaccination. It is a communication problem, and the question was asked incorrectly and superficially from the beginning, Radu Țincu, a doctor in Intensive Care at Floreasca Hospital in Bucharest, explained to Digi24. According to him, there are three things that the authorities must communicate to overcome people’s reluctance and combat conspiracy theories, which, as they emerged during the pandemic, will also be linked to vaccination policy.

Campaign coordinator anti-COVID vaccination, Valeriu Gheorghiță, declared that caravans will be installed, that they will go to vaccinate people from rural areas or who cannot move. But until you get there, employees of the medical system have top priority. Some of them do not seem interested or do not trust the efficacy of vaccines developed in less than a year.

In the Alba region, only half of the medical personnel said they wanted to be vaccinated, according to data centralized by the Public Health Directorate.

The same in Mehedinti.

The proportion of those who want to be vaccinated is higher among family doctors than among specialists or nurses.

Doctor: The question was superficial.

Dr. Radu Țincu explained to Digi24 that the problem began with the way the question directed at the doctors was asked.

“The question was superficial, People have been asked whether they will get vaccinated or not, since you don’t know what the vaccine is about and you don’t have all the information on the table.

The question it had to be addressed whether they would accept vaccination if a vaccine was approved.

Now, it is premature to express our choice since we do not know which vaccine will be approved and we do not have the documentation.

This type of speculation increases the degree of distrust, “said the doctor, who stressed that he will be vaccinated.

He also spoke about the communication strategy that must be developed to combat people’s reluctance.

For Eastern Europe, we are reluctant to use vaccines in general, especially regarding one against Covid, knowing that the pandemic has been associated with conspiracy theories, it is obvious that these theories will be found in vaccination policy.

But humanity does not make vaccines of yesterday, today. This Covid vaccine will follow and follow the same steps as any other type of vaccine.

The approval and marketing will be done respecting all the steps, it is not different from the others.

The vaccine will be safe when marketed and will be subject to all approvals.

First, the authorities must state that the technique for obtaining these vaccines is not different from other. We know exactly what to put in the vaccine so that it produces immunity.

So all these shots, which are in the final stages, comply with all applicable rules, Independent medical studies are conducted, not by manufacturing companies, to assess efficiency and safety.

Last but not least, when marketing a vaccine, it will have the same security profile as all the others available.

After this period A long-term supervision period will follow. It is aberrant now to ask the authorities to communicate a long-term assessment, as long as it does not exist, not enough time has passed for us to assess this. If we start from the idea that the obtaining technique is similar to that of other vaccines, we hope that the safety profile will be the same ”, explained the doctor.

Publisher: Georgiana Marina
