More and more unexamined patients with severe forms of Covid are coming to ATI directly from home


Beatrice Mahler, manager of the “Marius Nasta” Institute in the Capital, said that a growing number of patients arrive at the hospital, directly in intensive care, with severe forms of Covid-19 pneumonia, they are not tested for this disease. She says that these people do not call the family doctor or the 112 service until they can no longer breathe. The doctor points out that there are still solutions for those who fear not finding a place in the hospital.

“We are still at a fairly high level. There is a large number of positive tests and a large number of patients who come to hospitals, given that, from my point of view, the number of patients who have symptoms and are not yet done the home test is high. More and more patients end up with severe forms of pneumonia that require hospitalization and no tests are performed. They have other people around them who are positive, symptomatic, but who do not even call the family doctor or to the DSP to request a test or to 112.

It is a situation that began to be present in the last few days or that I found in the “Marius Nasta” Institute as present or increasingly frequent. Patients with severe forms of deterioration who arrive at the Institute with saturations of 50-60%, come directly from home, not tested and who cannot compensate for their respiratory failure and require hospitalization in intensive care.

I do not understand why these people expect to be cured at home when they see that their health is not good and they do not go to the GP or the 112 service, except at a time when the risk to their life is greater.

There is a problem of places in hospitals but we always try to do so in hospitals where at this moment in “Marius Nasta” the places are fully occupied. If a patient arrives, we look for a solution together with the surgical center. Somewhere in Romania we found a bed for this patient. What’s important: when I get to the hospital, I get oxygen, that’s the first thing we have to do when the patient arrives, “Mahler told Digi24.

In the last 24 hours, the positive rate of Covid-19 is 28%. Another 131 people died after being infected by coronavirus, so the total balance exceeds 10,000 deaths. 1,174 COVID patients are hospitalized in ATI.

Editing: Alexandru Costea
