He took the contest for the position of inspector, but did not appear.


Emy, the dancer in the videos of various manelistas, competed for the position the DSP, won, but did not show up to sign an employment contract, says the head of DSP Bucharest, Oana Nicolescu. He adds that several candidates have applied for the position.

Maria Emylia Florescu applied for an inspector position rookie. However, she is not an employee of the institution, she says. Nicolescu.

It wasn’t even. Contest relented, but she’s not our employee. He took the competition but did not show up and did not sign any contracts with DSP Bucharest. She did not work any day and is not an employee of DSP Bucharest.

The lady got a job as a junior inspector and qualified. When the files arrived, they were appreciable numbers, I understood that there were 11 candidates, We are not talking about one, two, three, however, and of course the CV and all the documents submitted to the file were adequate.She said.

The post of novice specialist inspector published for the occupation without competition, for which Ms Florescu Maria Emylia, is a vacancy that is part of the personnel scheme of the Administrative and Maintenance Service, respectively a position of entry into the profession for which does not require experience in the specialty and whose specific working conditions are met by any graduate, of the specialties listed in the advertisement.

The activity carried out by the employees of the Administration and Maintenance Service is not related to the medical or specialized activity of the Public Health Directorate.“A statement from DSP Bucharest previously stated.

Editing: Monica Bonea
