New information on the health of doctor Cătălin Denciu. Floreasca positive COVID-19 test, denied in Belgium


New information on the condition of the hero doctor seriously injured in the devastating fire in ATI Piatra Neamț, as a result of which 12 people died. Dr. Cătălin Denciu is being treated in a military hospital in Belgium.

Carla Tănasie, Digi24 journalist: The doctor’s health is stable. Cătălin Denciu is still on dialysis and doctors prepare his wounds daily.

It is important that he remained stable during these five days in the Belgian military hospital.

Cătălin Denciu was transferred abroad after the fire in the ATI section of the Piatra Neamț county hospital.

The doctor then entered the intensive care unit trying to put out the fire and rescue the hospitalized patients. Unfortunately, he failed, as the protective gear he was wearing caught fire.

His first medical attention was provided by his colleagues from Piatra Neamț, after which he was transferred on a military plane to Bucharest, to the Floreasca hospital, where an evaluation was carried out after which it was decided that he could be transferred to Belgium.

Cătălin Denciu suffered burns in an area of ​​75% of his body.

At the Floreasca hospital, a COVID test was also performed, which was positive, but this test was repeated in Belgium, and the result was refuted, being the test negative.

The injured doctor was infected with the new coronavirus at the beginning of the pandemic.

Publisher: Liviu Cojan
