The surprise of the most recent opinion poll: Pro Romania grows to 8% and becomes the fourth political force. NLP and PSD almost the same – News by sources


Victor Ponta’s party becomes the fourth political force and the Romanian vote intention is growing. The latest opinion poll shows that PRO Romania has reached an electoral score of 8% and, thus, becoming the fourth political force, it will thus be able to condition a future government formula.

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The first places are occupied by the major parties, PNL and PSD, followed by USR-PLUS.

The same opinion poll also shows that Romanians, for the most part, are totally dissatisfied with the direction in which the NLP government is heading the country. Thus, 79% of the respondents say that Romania is heading in the wrong direction, a very high score that shows the level of disapproval that exists in Romania regarding the way the health crisis and the economic crisis are managed.

What are the parties like in this survey?

NLP – 32%

PSD – 29%

USR / PLUS – 18%

Pro Romania – 8%

PMP – 6%

Other games: 6%

The survey was conducted between November 6 and 13 by telephone (CATI) to 1,011 respondents and has a margin of error of 3.08%.
