The circus FOLLOWS – the director of the Sibiu Hospital, who resigned at the request of Raluca Trucan ACUSA: It is a political battlefield – News sources


The resigning director of the Sibiu County Emergency Clinical Hospital, Liliana Coldea, returns with a new post on Facebook, in which she accuses that “the hospital has become a battlefield for political parties.”

“I realized during this time that the hospital has become a battlefield for political parties. It seems that some Sibiu politicians do not understand this aspect and probably in the absence of projects for the community, ideas for the development of the region, proposals to improve the health system, they consider that they can be affirmed through attacks. They do not belong to politicians but to the inhabitants of this region ”, writes Liliana Coldea.

He adds that he knows we are in an election year, “but standing out as a political party through scandals without a legal basis cannot attract an electorate. It has been tested so many times that people can discern. Surprisingly, some of the people who do politics at the local level don’t even know the legislation, and some outlets give them credit. Our role is to tell people the truth, to show them what the law says and who is wrong. You can draw your own conclusions. But once I say that my only policy is the health of the patients. “

The director of the Sibiu County Emergency Clinical Hospital, Liliana Coldea, resigned on Wednesday, almost a week after the request of Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan and accused political pressure and games, considering that the health system in Sibiu has not suffered since that she is a manager.

Liliana Coldea assumed the mandate of manager of the County Emergency Clinical Hospital on May 11, after a disputed competition, in which she was the only competitor.

The Control Corps of the Minister of Health was in Sibiu and conducted checks to establish how activities were carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic in the largest medical unit in the county.

Sibiu County has the highest coronavirus infection rate in the country, 9.06.
