Monica Pop Accused By Medical Colleague Of Misinformation After Saying She May Get Leukemia From COVID Vaccine


Dr. Monica Pop, former general director of the Bucharest Ophthalmological Emergency Hospital, is totally against the Covid-19 vaccination, stating on Antena 3 that “it is a vaccine made in the knee with side effects.”

The show’s producer asked Dr. Monica Pop if she is willing to get vaccinated when the first COVID vaccine is distributed.

Monica pop: You realize that no!

Mihai gidea: You said no?

Monica Pop: I will definitely not get vaccinated and will not give any advice to anyone to get vaccinated as long as this vaccine is given in 3 months.

Your turn, Adrian Ursu He said that he would be well informed before making such decisions, but did not have enough information at this time.

Dr. Monica Pop: “Whoever makes the vaccine has leukemia … And everyone”

Monica Pop continued the discussion, stating, “How come you don’t have the information, Mr. Ursu? How can you know what happens in three years? If you have leukemia, God forbid, after this shot? How can genetic induction know this does, so briefly? In 5 years we can get vaccinated! Categorical! Mr. Gâdea has short-term side effects, but where are the long-term ones? Let me tell you again, in 3 years, the one doing the vaccine will have leukemia. And they all do it… Mr. Gâdea, the post-vaccination reaction you have is momentary, can anyone do it, how do you know what happens in 1 year? Are you giving your child this vaccine? “said Monica Pop, without arguing her answer through scientific studies.

Dr. Gabriel Diaconu: “Dr. Monica Pop misinforms”

The psychiatrist Gabriel Diaconu reacted on Facebook, after the statements of the ophthalmologist Mónica Pop, through a post in which he shows that he is “medically misinformed.” Dr. Gabriel Diaconu notes that vaccines do not “transmit leukemia,” as Dr. Monica Pop claims, but are possibly created to cure it.

“Dr. Pop lives on a planet where vaccines cause leukemia. It is not very clear what dark mechanism the leukemia vaccines give. It is not very clear how long I have leukemia. And when I went looking for articles on both, I was shocked know that vaccines are being developed to CURE leukemia (some forms), not that they would cause it. According to Dr. Pop, expressed on a television station, leukemia can affect you after vaccination today, tomorrow or a few years later, who knows, maybe even a few dozen. It makes the vaccine something extraordinary, that is, it is called “genetic induction”. Did you know that certain things in this world could interfere with the expression of certain genes in the sense of induction or suppression I knew that this was done by other fragments, polymorphisms, of our genetic code, but also of the messenger RNA, the basis of the idea – otherwise brilliant – of some companies to “train” the immunity of our human body. anus (used, by the way, to treat certain forms of cancer, medical, see above). But to give cancer, no. Dr. Pop is medically misinformed on a television station. More in Romanian said, lie. Say nonsense. Because you cannot accuse a doctor of ignorance (I think) ”, wrote Gabriel Diaconu.

The psychiatrist writes that Dr. Monica Pop misleads the public, knowingly or not.

“These lines, however, do not refer to Dr. Pop, whose public outings may have the usual foam, bubbles, or heartburn. But these lines are about a doctor whose voice is heard by some people, and to whom Dr. Pop, consciously or unconsciously, it confuses. And when a doctor says nonsense, the moral responsibility of other doctors should be to answer bluntly, because he has already bothered ordinary people enough with all kinds of bastards, some have even gone to the psychiatrist because I don’t know what more to do, believe me, ”wrote Dr. Gabriel Diaconu.

Romania, among the most backward countries in the implementation of new medical technologies

The doctor points out that Romania is among the most backward countries when it comes to implementing new medical technologies.

“We are our mother in terms of investment, development, frontier medical research. It takes forever in Romania, until clinical trial protocols are put into practice in our country. What does that mean, Ms Pop? This means that every year there are Romanians who die because we doctors do not give them access to the medicine of the XXI century, and we condemn them to take the same points, the same solutions, the same drops as 30-40 years ago. by the way, when they hit the shelf and people like you and your co-genders started giving them away, they hadn’t been studied that closely. Unfortunately, because that was the age of medicine based on style, grace, and the mystery. This habit, this Romanian medical disease of looking like a peasant in spacecraft when it comes to the latest instruments has captive a population of patients who deserve better. They deserve more. They deserve so much from their country, but also n of their doctors ”, also shows the psychiatrist.

Iohannis warning: “Fake news has a profoundly damaging effect”

Even the President of Romania drew attention to the fact that “it is especially important to fight against misinformation and fake news that have a deeply damaging manipulative effect. As long as scientific evidence supports the efficacy and safety of vaccines, we must join forces to implement an effective vaccination campaign. Romania will overcome this health crisis and I am optimistic because we are already beginning to see the effects of the measures taken. “

Immunization in Romania will be given priority to health system workers, both in the public and private systems. However, there are also doctors who come out against vaccination.

Some doctors are against vaccination.

For example, in Alba there is a similar situation in which some doctors believe that they should not be vaccinated. There, the health authorities drew up a first list of medical personnel who want to be vaccinated against COVOD-19. Until Thursday, November 19, 3,105 doctors were consulted, of which 1,500 said they agreed with the vaccination.

So, of 365 doctors, only 259 want to be vaccinated; of 1,144 nurses, 524 expressed their intention to be vaccinated and of 404 nurses, only 184 want to be vaccinated. In addition, 73 caregivers out of 199 agree with the vaccination, nine orderlies out of 26 and the administrative staff and TESA only 129 out of 233 have accepted the vaccine.

According to authorities, the vaccine could be available in Romania early next year, as more and more companies are struggling to speed up the production and testing process.

For example, the vaccine has already been reported at Pfizer and BioNTech Laboratories to be 95% effective against the new coronavirus, according to a statement released Wednesday.

“The only grade 3 (serious) side effects were fatigue (in 3.8% of patients) and headache (in 2.0% of patients), with symptoms present after dose 2 of the vaccine “, according to Pfzer INC.

The distribution of the vaccine produced by Pfizer will require a great logistical effort on the part of the authorities.

Dr. Gino Dumitra, a member of the Romanian Vaccination Group, argued that the institutions that will be involved in this process should think about adapting the infrastructure from now on, so that the moment of arrival of the serum does not catch us off guard.

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